ID from each Campus

Hello all, hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving break
I submitted my UC application a week ago. I applied to all 9 UCs, but I only received the student ID from UC Berkeley. I wonder when will I receive the student ID from other 8 campus?
Thank you

When you state you received an ID, you are talking about an ID to setup your student portal?

Each UC is on a different timeline so anywhere from a few weeks to a month or so. You will receive an email from each campus so check it frequently.

UCSD for example states you should receive your Student ID in Mid-December.

@Gumbymom posted in another thread that Berkeley starts reviewing applications in mid November so it makes sense that they are processing new applications as they arrive.

You should receive portal information from the other schools before the end of the year.

Yes, I am looking for the ID to set up the student portal.

I see, that’s why I received the ID so early!