<p>Hi everyone, Merry Christmas!!! </p>
<p>I'm from California, and I tested out of high school a year early (i was supposed to be class of '06) with the CHSPE, and I'm currently in community college right now, just finished my first semester. </p>
<p>My GPA is 3.77 (I slacked off... AHHH) this semester, and I am trying to get the IGETC (or something like that... transfer requirements) requirements done. </p>
<p>(I took: Anthro 101 - A+
Logic - A
English 101 - B+
Beginning Tap Dance - A (hehe)
American Sign Language 1 - A... and I hope to pursue this, it interests me, maybe because I'm deaf in my right ear)</p>
<p>I am from a lower middle class family. I have two younger brothers, my father is a baptist minister of a small church as well as a social studies teacher at a private school, and my mother is a house wife. I am a second generation Japanese girl. </p>
<p>I didn't take the SATs, so I have no idea where I stand there. And I also don't know my high school GPA.</p>
<p>I'm hoping to transfer, after my general ed stuff is done. But to where? The UCs and CSUs seem too large, I want small classes. But small classes usually mean private, meaning EXPENSHIVEEE!!! But let's just say that doesn't matter for now. </p>
<p>I'm attracted to rural areas... not the deserty kind, but the green rolling farmland kind. I think I was a royal farm girl in my last life. </p>
<p>I can do far away from home. I can adapt. I want to be somewhere where I can grow intellectually, get introduced to different points of views, and just, know what's going on in the world, and be able to talk about it. </p>
<p>I have no idea what I want to major in, but I'm thinking communications or psychology or international relations or whatever, stuff like that. </p>
<p>I'm fluent in Japanese, meaning, I can read, write, and speak it, like a native Japanese person (round of applause for my parents). I've done simultaneous translating for various occassions, but mainly my father's sermons, from Japanese to English, at church. </p>
<p>I've helped my father translate English Christian books to Japanese (he recently finished "Windows of the Soul" by Ken Gire, and he was the one who did the Japanese Left Behind). </p>
<p>I work at a ballet retail store/ballet costume maker store, even though my life has nothing to do with ballet. I stab my fingers sewing on appliques onto bodices, as well as run credit cards and put price tags on leotards etc... basically just the little stuff which my boss has no time to do. I recently saw a local production of The Nutcracker... magical, lovely, just, lovely.</p>
<p>I reached a point during high school where I could not go on any longer, for a number of reasons, like a manipulative best friend, busy, busy, busy schedule, and my peers always expecting me to fix their stupid teenage drama. So I quit everything, school, piano, and whatever else I was doing and for about a year I led a life of merely waking up, doing nothing, and going to bed. It was the best I could do. I was REALLY ridiculously depressed in a teenage hormonal way. </p>
<p>Anyway, so after i got on independent study, I CHSPEd out, and am now in community college. </p>
<p>I have done nothing really noteworthy in my life as far as ECs go. I have not saved a flock of ducks from extinction, or run the fastest mile. So I don't know where I can go as far as that goes. </p>
<p>So, a school that is smart, but not too demanding in its work, relatively layed back, small classes (small student body), quirky people, has study abroad programs and is aware of international stuff, and relatively conservative (but this can be disregarded, it's not TOO important). </p>
<p>I'm attracted to prestige, but I really need to grow out of it, since prestige hasn't anything to do with a good academic experience. </p>
<p>AANYWAY!!!! Best wishes to everyone!!!</p>
<p><em>crosses fingers and hopes she gets suggestions</em> </p>
<p>P.S. My brother got me the runny babbit book by shel silverstein. excellent!!!</p>
<p>P.S. 2 - wow, most of the paragraphs start with "I"!!! I learned in AP English comp during high school that that means the writer is self absorbed!!!!11one</p>