Idea of extracurriculars

<p>Okay.. I have several extra-curriculars right now, and I'm in a dilema. First off, I want to do things that I am ACTUALLY passionate about but it feels like some of the clubs Im joining aren't really what I want to do. So basically, if I don't want to pad clubs/roles/extra-curriculars, what should I do? I feel like I want to join alot of stuff but I don't want colleges to think I just did something to pad my resume.</p>

<p>Any advice/ experiences would be appreciated.</p>

<p>My extracurriculars (current and projected)</p>

<p>National Honor Society (10th-12th)
Math Club (mu alpha theta)(11th-12th)
Christian club (9th-12th)
Robotics (11th-12th)
Chess Club (11th-12th)
Marching Band (9th-10th)</p>

<p>What grade are you in?</p>

<p>You can do lots of things, and you don’t have to put them all on your applications.</p>

<p>Many clubs meet very seldom and don’t do much, depends on the school. How much time per week, season, etc do these clubs actually take? Some NHS do alot, some do nothing, its just a name. Robtics is probably seasonal, for competitions, I am guessing, marching band may take a lot of time.</p>

<p>NHS, if you aren’t in it, that is okay, your grades themselves are enough to show colleges what NHS wants, for instance. CHess club, do you meet like once a week and play chess? Is it flexible? Math club, what do you guys do? Competitions? DO you meet? DO you get together and do service work?</p>

<p>And remember, its only padding if you put in on your application and you really didn’t do anything. If its real, it ain’t padding.</p>

<p>My daughter had several ECs, and there were “seasonal” Yearbook was intense for weeks, then nada. Drama club was crazy during the play then zip. Your list is reasonable as it is, but I would look at what each club actually does, because if they don’t do much, then it is padding to put it on your application, but if they are truely busy and fun and worthwhile, go for it!! I am not saying quit a club, just emphasze what you do.</p>

<p>One of the most rewarding extracurricular activities I did was Robotics. Currently, I am co-captain of the Web Design sub team on my Robotics team, and over the years (10th-12th) I have made numerous friends and learned so much from working with my peers. </p>

<p>If you are a freshman, I would suggest doing a couple of extracurricular activities in which you are dedicated. In addition to Robotics, I volunteer and tutor. You have to show colleges your passion. Also, if you join early, you can rise to executive roles which show colleges your commitment. </p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>