Ideal Interview

<p>I recently had my interview at Andover. I thought it went really great, because it seemed like both my interviewer and I were interested and having a good time.
But I soon realized that maybe I was being a little too unformal.
So I know many of you have much more experience than I, so what do you think is the ideal interview?</p>

<p>It sounds like you had the ideal interview because you were “being yourself.” Informality brings that out. I wouldn’t worry. The interviewer probably brought out the best in you.</p>

<p>My interview at a GLADCHEMMS school lasted only 15 minutes. I was able to answer all the questions and the conversation was friendly. I see many posts here with 45 min to 1 hr interviews. Is this short interview a problem or a deal-breaker? There were many kids that morning and most of them seem to go in and out every 15 mins or so. Has any one had this kind of experience?</p>

<p>More than likely, invent, they were just very busy. Don’t fret over it.</p>

<p>wth is GLADCHEMMS?
back in the days ( a couple years ago) it was just AESDCH</p>

<p>GLADCHEMMS = Groton, L’ville, Andover, Deerfield, Choate, Hotchkiss, Exeter, Milton, Middlesex, St. Paul’s.</p>

<p>Last year, my Andover interview was about 1h30 minutes but it went by really quickly and me and the interviewer connected but I was rejected so don’t look too much in to the interview, but they are IMPORTANT. However my most recent interview was about 1h10 minutes and I also thought it went spectacularly well.</p>

<p>15 minutes would be unusually short. All ours went for an hour or more. But, it’s still just ONE aspect of the application process. Perhaps just as important are the additional ‘interviews’ where you met with a teacher or coach.</p>

<p>My child got into every school applied to and all interviews were 30 minutes or shorter. If an interview goes on for 90 minutes, it must be a slow day in the admissions office. On busy days, the interviewers need to remain on schedule. </p>

<p>Do make sure you have at least 3 good questions to ask your interviewer. This will lead to more conversation.</p>

<p>First a longer interview doesn’t mean a better interview. And second, this is the internet so people could be (gasp) lying. So don’t worry if your interview wasn’t an 2hr 30 min and your interviewer didn’t tell you that they wanted to adopt you. Because chances are, no one else has had an interview like that any time soon.</p>

<p>I can tell you that I had my interviews in September, where there weren’t so many people, so mine were probably around 30 min to an hour. My parents and I also asked the admissions officers when most people came to visit, and ALL of them told us it was around October. So maybe the amount of people visiting on that day could make a difference too. Don’t stress about it. If you think you did a good job, then relax.</p>

<p>Thank you all for your reassurances. I feel a tad better now.</p>

<p>thanks y’all.
i actually meant to post this to help others facing similar stress as i, and im glad to see i helped. :D</p>

<p>really appreciate the comments. THANKS!!!</p>