<p>My high school has had major budget cuts and all of our language teachers are being cut to half time- which means no more language clubs. My friend and I wanted to start out own language club, preferably Asian culture (I'm not asian lol I just really like the culture), but we don't really know what to do with it. </p>
<p>Here are our main problems:
1. How can we name it without people thinking that you have to be asian in order to join (we were talking to people and they said that "Asian Culture Club" makes it sound like it's just for asians)?</p>
<li><p>What should we do? Like any ideas for activities?</p></li>
<li><p>How could we advertise it?</p></li>
<p>Unless you’re completely adamant about making it exclusively an Asian culture club, I would just make it open to any type of culture so people don’t feel alienated and you’ll get more participation. Our club was similar to yours and we called it Global Leadership Club haha. We found that anything with “leader” in it had people flocking in a minute as everyone wants to bolster their college apps with impressive-sounding clubs (and we thought Global Leadership sounded better than Cultural Club) hahah. </p>
<p>Our big thing was planning a big festival-like event at the school, with different cultures having different activities and tables. Guests got a “passport” where you could get a stamp from all the different countries. You could do something like that and limit it to Asian countries. We also had a big Chinese dance with lions and fan dancers at the end which was tons of fun.</p>
<p>We also did lots of fundraisers for different global causes; Haiti, Japan, Darfur. It was a good experience. </p>
<p>We advertised the club in the morning announcements. Posters and facebook are also helpful. Good luck
<p>Please please don’t be like the “Asian Club” at my school. All they do is watch anime, drink bubble tea, and eat Pocky. Not only is it (in my opinion) a sorry excuse for a club that won’t really impress colleges but it’s also a cringe-worthy appropriation of my culture (might I add not a single member was actually Asian…).</p>