idea's of east coast schools that aren't utra-competative?

<p>My friend is a junior and is trying to narrow down a list of schools to apply to, and I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions. They have around a 3.0 and is in the top 25% of the class. No SAT's yet, but probably will get right around 1300. Any idea for schools in PA, VA, MA, NC, or around this area? thanks for your help</p>

<p>forgot to add that they aren't sure of their major, but probably political sicence, int. relations, etc.</p>

<p>u mean a 1300 out of 2400 or 1300/1600, b/c that is a BIG difference</p>

<p>assuming 1300/1600..</p>

george mason
unc- asheville

<p>Elon (match/safety?)
Roanoke (safety?)
Lehigh (reach)
VA has good publich schools besides UVa and William & Mary... look at Mary Washington, GMU, JMU.</p>


<p>yeah, i did mean 1300/1600</p>

<p>Dickinson, GW maybe, Elon (I visited it and it is a nice campus), I dont think if your friend has a 1300 they should even think about considering UNCA, I live in asheville (it is a great city, except there are A LOT of hippies) but with that SAT score UNCA would be aiming a little low.</p>

<p>Muhlenberg in Allentown. Franklin & Marshall in Lancaster.</p>


<p>Elon, NC State</p>

<p>Drew U, Muhlenberg, Franklin and Marshall, Skidmore and Lafayette area all good schools.</p>

<p>Drexel, University of the Arts, Temple</p>