If DD didn't indicate on PSAT she is Hispanic, where else can she indcate it?

<p>My daughter didn't indicate her ethnicity on PSAT (her scores were not high enough for anything anyway) BUT my question is how do colleges find out she is an URM? Her SAT scores through College Board? Does her guidance counselor send something to schools she is applying to? Does she just check a box on her applications?</p>

<p>Also, realistically, does being an URM favor in the admissions process? I think she may be borderline for some of the really good schools she is applying to and we are not sure just how much, if any, being a URM will help.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>It is a check box on the common app. Yes, being a URM definitely helps. It won’t be enough to put an average student into Harvard, but if you’re borderline, it likely will give you that extra little push to get you in.</p>

<p>Possible ways:</p>

<li> College application. Yes, the checking the box is the final thing to do if you haven’t taken any other steps to get on the multicultural radar.</li>
<li> College websites. When you sign up to get additional information, they often ask about ethnicity & race.</li>
<li> College diversity offices. Many schools have special offices that help recruit URMs, eg. [Student</a> Recruitment Coordinators | Multicultural Outreach Program | Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.yale.edu/admit/mrp/bios.html]Student”>http://www.yale.edu/admit/mrp/bios.html)</li>
<li>National Hispanic Recognition Program. Several students on this board did not mark Hispanic on their PSAT, but when their scores came out, it looked like they would qualify as a Nat Hispanic Scholar. They contacted NHRP via their HS GC and were recognized. See the “Resources” sticky thread on this forum for links to information about NHRP.</li>
<li>Ventures Scholar. If the student is interested in math/science, they could join this organization, see the “Resources” sticky for a link. This organization also provides names of admissions personnel for participating colleges:
[Ventures</a> Scholars Program | Undergraduate Admissions Personnel](<a href=“Buruan Daftar! Situs Slot Gacor Terpercaya Dengan Bonus Menggiurkan”>Buruan Daftar! Situs Slot Gacor Terpercaya Dengan Bonus Menggiurkan)</li>
<li> Diversity weekends. See the “Resources” sticky for a link to a thread discussing fly in possibilities.</li>
<li> Summer programs for URMs, see the “Resources” sticky.</li>

<p>How much being a URM will help depends on each individual situation. For instance, factors that affect how much it will help include: statistics (gpa & test scores), rigor of coursework, the rest of the application (essays, LORs, ECs,), HS (eg, private or suburban vs. underserved), SES, identification with ethnicity, overcoming adversity, etc.</p>