if i were to apply early decision...chance me please!

<p>hi, I have just recently (like past day) started consdering the university of miami. Unfortunately, my stats are not very good,i was wondering if i applied early decision and no help with financial aid, what are my chances, I have a 27 on the act and a 3.1 uw gpa, thank you</p>

<p>based just on those two things I would think it is a long shot. The act score is good, but that is a fairly low GPA for a place like Miami. What is your class rank, extracurrics, ect?</p>

<p>I would apply EA, if anything. I think ED is pretty strictly enforced as "Not top 10%, Not admitted."</p>

<p>You'd probably be deferred. I had a friend with slightly higher testing and GPA and she got deferred to regular decision. I'd try EA, personally.</p>

<p>i'm not positive but i think miami uses your weighted gpa in the decision, so if you took several ap/honors classes that might help you out..also im guessing your a junior since you haven't applied yet so i would retake the act and try to get a 29/30, which is only a few points higher and doable and will give you a much better shot..good luck! you also still have this semester to raise your gpa so you might have a chance..</p>

<p>^^poisondart: was your friend accepted RD?</p>

<p>to the OP: UMiami seems more SAT/ACT driven than GPA (from what we could tell around here)....you may want to retake the ACT and try to get it up to 29/30 before applying....</p>

<p>and, yes, I have also heard that ED is harder than EA for Miami (which in this economy is kinda weird), but yea....</p>

<p>Yes, she did get in. She was in love with the school though and I'm sure they all knew of her. Not saying it helped, but I doubt it hurt.</p>

<p>ED at all schools I know of is only binding if you can still afford it though.</p>