If I write that I was physically abused by my father will the college i apply to report it ?

My parents have always had troubles with their marriage. My father physically and emotionally abused my mother ever since they married.
I didn’t find out about it till this year and when I found out I stepped up, wrong choice.
My father was going to hurt my mother again so i got in front of her and challenged my own father. He starred at me as if he didn’t know me, he said things to me I will never forget.
In the end he tried to kill me and threatened my life. It was a challenge I had to overcome and it was a big impact on my life and I’d like to show colleges how It’s changed and affected me academically/emotionally.
I never reported what my father did and neither did my mother.
My mother ended up forgiving my father and they never divorced.
So my question is if I were to tell my story on my college essay will the college report my father?

Most states have mandated reporter laws. Not sure how it applies to college admissions and applicants who are minors who disclose abuse. You might be able to google state rules regarding reporting. But, regardless of admissions or whether or not colleges need to report, your safety and that of your mother sounds to be in jeopardy. Please talk to a counselor at your school about this and get it reported. You don’t want your mother to be killed and you don’t want to be killed yourself.

If the GC knew this OP well, he or she could be mandated. We had a thread in the past about mandated reporting and the eventual consensus was an adcom “might” get back to a GC. Or not, without evidence.

Abuse or enduring it isn’t a trait adcoms look for. And I agree not reporting this to anyone is going to leave you at risk, as well as confuse adcoms.

The point of the essay is to show more of your match.

Mandated sources do not require evidence of abuse/neglect to trigger the reporting requirement. The threshold is low - a suspicion. Evidence is determined by state investigators.

@lagirlwaproblem The goal here is survival. Proceed with caution. Sometimes reporting escalates the violence. Is there somewhere safe you can go? Are you an adult or a minor?

Do not use this as an essay topic. It won’t play well. You don’t yet have a good understanding of the story and won’t for a very long time.