<p>Lets say someone (who turned 18 the beginning of their senior year) was taped on 'Girls Gone Wild' do you think that they could put that on their college app? Like colleges dont want reps of being a 'school for ug-ies' and if they werent doing anything illegal (just flashing say) wouldnt that help their chances of getting in?</p>
<p>Is that a serious question?</p>
<p>Do you think it would be an honor for a college to accept someone who was taped on "Girls Gone Wild"?</p>
<p>it would totally help</p>
<p>Don't even bother to legitimately respond to this....</p>
<p>school - for - ug-ies</p>
<p>A similar approach (although not pornographic) got Elle Wood into Harvard Law school. So, who knows?</p>
<p>Send the tape as an art supplement :-P</p>
<p>HAHAHA! omg klaz good one</p>
<p>What are "ug-ies?"</p>
<p>^ university of uglies. </p>
<p>Of course you should send it in. College admission officers are up all night with applications so a tape of Girls Gone Wild will definitely please their eyes.</p>
<p>You are a definite shoe-in. </p>
<p>"You are a definite shoe-in"</p>
<p>Woah. Woah. This is just a hypothetical, I'm a dude, dude.</p>
<p>But I concurre..if i were a college admissions guy up late one night going over apps that would be a WELCOMED site.</p>
<p>Haha, but imagine some guys doing some addmissions work at home and he puts in this unmarked tape........</p>
<p>Wife: HUNNY! </p>
<p>Little Son: Daddy, Daddy, whys that lady putting her fingers there?</p>
<p>Wow.. this is a very interesting question.</p>
<p>maybe yes, but most likely no. Yes, it is very very unique, and shows you are a very outgoing and social person. However, it also reveals a side of you that says I LOVE to strip myself, and be nude in public!!!!! First of all, you'll be a bad influence to the community, by getting all the students obsessed with you, instead of studying. secondly top-tier schools are full of people who typically are not crazy party-goers, and you clearly wont belong there. The losses outweigh the gains.</p>
<p>But... having been on Girls Gone Wild doesn't necessarily mean that the girl is attractive. It just means she has tits, which I'm pretty sure applies to the majority of females.</p>
<p>wait a few hours and then go watch comedy central</p>
<p>during a comercial break there is bound to be an ad for GGW...tell me if you see one female on that video that rates less than a 9.5</p>
<p>and secondly top-tier schools are full of grades-obsessed people, and you clearly wont belong there.</p>
<p>Who says you can't be smart and be in porn? What if this hypothetical woman also scored a perfect 2400 on the SAT, was her class's valedictorian, etc?</p>
<p>Well, of course the ad would show all the attractive girls. But I mean, say a girl and her friends are out in a group -- some are 9.5+, some are solid 8s, and a few are 6s or 7s. Isn't GGW just random groups of girls who flash the camera? One 6 in an overall-hot group of girls wouldn't make the scene invalid. </p>
<p>Sorry if I'm overanalyzing this...</p>
<p>Have you ever watched The Girl Next Door?
Anyways, you have my vote; send it in.</p>
<p>^^ Poseur has a good point. It needs to be a single shot..and if she's a solid 9, then she needs to be in a group with other solid 9s. But..what if she was with uglier chicks, wouldn't it make her stand out and look better?</p>
<p>Over analyzing this is such a 4 thing to do....</p>
<p>Fantastic idea! To the hell with GPA, SAT's, and EC's. You're in, sir. Send it in.</p>
<p>can i just reiterate that this is just a hypothetical circumstances? </p>
<p>I am a man. I have neither breasts nor have I been on GGW......</p>
<p>so please stop saying "Send it in" </p>
<p>it makes me uncomfortable....</p>