<p>if you are applying as a first generation college student, your chances of being accepted are more likely??</p>
<p>i am a first generation college student. My mom stayed at home to raise us and my dad works with building museums. I would think colleges give a good percentage of first gen. kids a chance since they know it is hard to be the first one to enter college and that without parents who went to college, the admission process can put alot of pressure on a teen like myself when applying and searching for colleges. I talked to Wellesley ( was chatting with an Admission Rep) and they said they give preference to first generation kids since they know it was "harder" for them not having experienced parents in the college process. I am almost positive that if a college did see it, it can only work positively and not in a negative way. Why would a college deny you because your the first to go to college? It can only add to your independence and will-power as an applicant applying to college.</p>