If you chance me, I'll give you a dollar!

<p>Just kidding, but please.....Chance me Wharton ED!</p>

<p>State : Maryland
School Type: Top 50 U.S. Public HS, very competitive
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: Male</p>

<p>GPA (UW): 4.00/4.00
GPA (W): 4.67
**School doesn't rank, but would imagine top 5%</p>

<p>APs: Soph. year: AP NSL (5), Junior year: AP BC Calc, Ap Physics C, APUSH, Senior year: AP Chem, AP Span Lang., AP World History, Multivariable Calc with Diff Equations (Not an AP, but for all intensive purposes, is treated like one)</p>

<p>SAT: 2060 (790 M, 600 CR, 670 W)...Will take agian in October (Expect to get close to a 2150)
ACT: 31 (31 R, 31 E, 35 M, 25 S)...Took it without any prep or studying (Will take again, expecting a 32 or a 33)
SAT IIs: Math II-800, USH-800, Physics- 740</p>

<p>General ECs:</p>

<p>Student Government
'08-'09 (Senior Class President)
'05-'08 (Student Delegate)</p>

<p>Varsity Baseball (Letter earned) Spring '08
JV Baseball Springs '06 and '07
Fall and Summer Baseball as well</p>

<p>Model United Nations- Executive Committee
Attended: William and Mary, Harvard, and Georgetown
Next year: WashU (I'm organizing this trip), Vanderbilt, and one more</p>

<p>DECA- President
Last year, helped organize a book sale in which we raised over $20,000 </p>

<p>Volunteer ECs:</p>

<p>Big Buddy/Little Buddy Mentor Program ('07-'09)
Mentor, play with, and help a young kid at a shelter who is experiencing homelessness
Over 30 hours of community service thus far, will continue next year</p>

<p>National Relief Network (Summer '08)
Earned 28 hrs of community service helping to build homes in Tennessee after tornadoes</p>

<p>Work ECs:</p>

<p>Washington Nationals Media Relations Intern ('08)
Help make post-game notes, Handout game notes, stat packs, etc., Deliver memos to clubhouse, check credentials for visiting media</p>

<p>Architecture Internship ('07-'08)
Earned credit for 90 hrs of work
Used Autocad draft program to map out plans for homes, stadium seating, etc.</p>

<p>Summer Camp Counselor at Baseball Camp
Worked for 4 weeks helping kids learn the basics of baseball while having fun at the same time</p>


<p>Jerome Fisher Management and Technology Summer Institute at Penn(summer '08)
3 week for credit summer program in which ill learn the basics of business and technology and how they're related
At the end, will design a go-to-market plan for an new technology idea</p>

<p>Recs: Should be great (One from a 2-yr physics teacher who has been working ~20yrs; the other from a sophomore and senior year math teacher with 39 years of teaching)</p>

<p>Essays: Will be very good. My Why Penn essay is going to be very creative and informative (a spoof). I'm also going to talk about my summer there and how I found an interest in business through a middle school skateboarding company that my friend and I started. The Professor essay will probably be about someone I will work with this summer. Common app essays will be focused on my interest in baseball and how I really love the game and how it might be a great career choice (hope to be a general manager some day).</p>


<p>Basically, my SATs are whats killing me. A 2060 isnt bad, but its not up to Penn's, esp. Wharton's standards. I am retaking it, but my CR prob will only inc. to a 650. The math might go up to an 800 based on luck. My writing should be a 750. So, I could get it up to a 2200, but most likely it'll be around a 2150ish. So, for those of you nice enough to chance me, chance both with a 2060 and then a 2150ish. THANKS!!!</p>

<p>i would imagine its difficult to take the SAT's in october and submit the scores with ur ED application</p>

<p>What are your AP scores?</p>

<p>azrael- october is the last time to take an SAT and submit it, but it can be done....for rd, december is the last time</p>

<p>yatta- nsl was a 5, dont know about the others yet (i would imagine 4or5 for all of the them)</p>

<p>jk - as long as it can be done, sure. i just wasn't sure if it was doable. Go for it</p>

<p>IMO, ur strong points would be ur EC and academics, and the scores are the only thing limiting you. I think you have a good chance. Wanna chance me? =D</p>

<p>I'd say deferred with the 2060. </p>

<p>If you can get CR and W to 700+ before ED, I'd say 60-70% chance of acceptance.</p>

<p>I'm not a big fan of CR, but pulled my CR score up 90 points (650 to 740) between the May and October SATs. I also got an 800 on Writing, so if you'd like a few good tips to improve your score in these sections, PM me and I'd be glad to help.</p>

<p>"If you can get CR and W to 700+ before ED, I'd say 60-70% chance of acceptance."</p>

<p>I strongly doubt that.</p>

<p>Regardless, if you bring up your SAT or your ACT score then you will be set numbers-wise. I asked for your AP scores to gauge grade inflation (SAT and AP scores give a decent idea), and with 4s and 5s in every subject as you predicted, UPenn will not worry about that possibility.</p>

<p>Now it is up to your essays and reccs, make sure your essays are unique and interesting. One more thing: Show your love for business, all top tier colleges like that.</p>

<p>If you do that, then I would say you have a good shot, but it is by no means in the 60-70% range.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone...I've gotten 5s on all my ap exams (nsl-sophomore, bc calc + ab subscore, physics c, and apush this year)</p>

<p>I'm taking SAT again in October, ACT in September (still unsure if i'm sending this). Hopefully I can pull my CR score up past the 650 mark. If I could get a 1450/1600 (660 CR, 790 M), I'd be very happy. I know I can pull the W up, I'll just have to remember and practice all of those rules.</p>

<p>Also, one quick question. Penn only requires 2 SAT IIs. If you send three, do they just pick your top 2 and be done with it or will they glance at the third one. Not that a 740 is bad, just isn't up to par with the other two.</p>