If you could change your name...?

<p>I was the last person to respond to this:/</p>

<p>i would change to bhangrafan</p>

<p>Why would you change it to that?:/</p>

<p>cause bhangra is dance from india and its a cool dance</p>

<p>I would change mine to feelin’bubbly or feelin’lovely or accordingtotheprophecy(if my username could be that long) or deathprone, idk things that stand out to me</p>

<p>Is it really a dance? I’ll have to look into it:)</p>

<p>a it is a really dance, from india but in a last decade it has become huge in america</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of it:/</p>

<p>look into wart, just look up BHANGRA EMPIRE bruin bhangra 2009, then tell me what you think</p>

<p>Mine gives off no identifiable real life traits and I’m content :)</p>

<p>I’ll do that. Thanks!</p>

<p>I wouldn’t change my name (Christopher, mainly called Chris) even if I could, I like it.</p>

<p>coolbreeze is tight a username
if i could change i could change to spiderwoman</p>

<p>Oh jeez, I thought we were talking about real names… I now see OP is talking about user names.</p>

<p>@coolbreeze yeah we were talking about usernames haha</p>

<p>We always go off topic lol</p>

<p>i know we do, but dont mean too purposely haha
hey wart</p>

<p>Well, sometimes it is intentional. That’s only because our other threads were banned:/</p>


<p>i know,
what new?</p>

<p>I’m not doing too much. What about you?</p>