If you dont get an interview, how much does that hurt?

<p>If you dont get an interview, how much does that hurt? Wash U contacts you for an alumni interview right? not the other way around?</p>

<p>WashU set up an alumni interview for my son (now a WashU student). My daughter applied RD this year and no interview was ever set up. I don’t know if they have changed their policy regarding interviews or if they viewed DS as a more qualified candidate (which is was).</p>

<p>Interviews are a function of timing (depends on when you ask for one). Not having one will NOT have a negative effect on admissions.</p>

<p>I think having an interview is EXTREMELY important at WashU if they think you are within a reasonable geographic radius.
I also think that there is a great deal of luck in who interviews you. We visited in mid August,before classes started (so very few if any students were there to do interviews) and she interviewed early, before the first tour of the day. She totally got lucky when the Associate Vice Chancellor, John Berg, walked into the registration area (early, I might add) and asked if she was ready to chat with him. He is just fantastic,by the way!
She must have had a great interview with him as they were both smiling when they returned. Although she brought her resume with her just in case, she told me that he was not going to talk about it with her and they just had a very personal talk. No interrogation at all.
The day after we got home, he had already mailed a postcard to her wishing her the best with her cross county season and emailed her twice with answers to her questions during the interview. Their regional admissions officer also called her school that week to find out more about her and to tell her college counselor how impressed they were with her.
So, she applied regular decision, and got an early acceptance letter in December,non-binding! We are all thrilled as Wash U is one of her top 3 favorite schools.</p>

<p>hope4freeride - you are certainly entitled to your opinion. Yes, an interview is one of several ways of showing interest - but there are many other ways. Having been involved in the process, I would disagree with your opinion as to the importance placed on an interview. Can it be a help - possibly. But it does not rank very high on the list of variables considered during the admissions process. It is a great opportunity to learn more about WashU to help determine if it is the right school for a candidate. If you are a strong candidate, lack of an interview will not be a big negative. Congrats on your daughter and I am sure that she was a very strong candidate. Based on your description, I certainly hope that she applied for some of the available merit awards. I am also sure that she will have a great 4 years at WashU, if that is her final choice.</p>

<p>If I’ve already visited campus and had an interview (while visiting) I won’t be contacted, right?</p>

<p>Contacted for what? There is usually only one interview per candidate - it can either be on campus or off campus, it makes no difference.</p>

<p>What if you don’t get offered an alumni interview?</p>

<p>No big deal, there could be a multitude of reasons, don’t read anything special into the situation.</p>