<p>(this question is actually a "suggestions" thread. i should probably do something better with my life than sitting here posting hypothetical questions to college confidential. as it is i have like two months before i go back and i don't feel like using them on math or physics.)</p>
<p>I’d probably just backpack Europe with a friend or two. That way we can stay as long as we want in any given spot and see what we want without having to worry about missing flights and what not.</p>
<p>If I chose to wait a year until college, I’d most likely spend every waking hour volunteering at a semi-near zoo.
If I ended up having to wait a year before college and it wasn’t my choice it would be because:
a. my dream college accepted me but I can’t afford to go in which case I’d spend a year working to save up money so that I can go to the college
b. my mom got even more sick and I’d have to take care of her for a year
most likely would be a combo of a and b knowing my luck.</p>