If you really knew me....

<p>Has anyone else seen this show? This probably sounds super cheesy, but I can't help but cry during every episode! Also, I cannot picture my high school doing this....</p>

<p>I’ve watched part of an episode. I thought it was really good idea what their doing. It also makes me realize how seperated some high schools are. In my middle school, there are cliques, but not as serious and segregated as the ones on that show. It’s also one more reason to go to boarding school; my interviewer told me at Exeter when your a newbie everybody wants to be your friends!</p>

<p>I love that show! I hope everybody at Exeter is open and their aren’t really any cliques.</p>

<p>I think all high schools would benefit from having a Challenge Day, it would just bring the student body closer as a whole even if the schools aren’t very cliquey.</p>

<p>@polodolly: Don’t worry. I cried at a few parts in the show and guys aren’t “supposed” to show emotion. :)</p>

<p>Ya, I mean I hope that the schools are open to different backgrounds/personalities/ styles etc. and my high school could REALLY use this! </p>

<p>@ 2010, it’s okay I’m a girl and I cry when they sit in the circle and reveal their true emotions. I’m pretty sure that I even saw my dad shed a tear</p>

<p>I’m on vacation and usually I never watch T.V. but I flipped on MTV yesterday and bam! “IF you really knew me”… I turned it off and went swimming. Mostly because I’m not “that” kind of person. But I can see how it would help many people and many schools.</p>