If you took the ACT in April, question for you

<p>Do you remember aproximately what question numbers on the test the dueling scientists where? Got the score report back and trying to figure out what part of the science test my daughter missed the most on. She thinks it night have been the dueling scientists, but her friend doesn't think the numbers match up. Thanks!</p>

<p>Questions 18 through 24.</p>

<p>Thank you! If you are correct, it was indeed the dueling scientists that she missed 3 on. Hopefully, that means she did better this go-round, with no dueling scientist section. Funny thing, she did very well on the dueling scientists passage on all the practice tests she did. Oh well, I’ve always heard the science section is a crapshoot.</p>

<p>If you want, I could probably scan the questions tomorrow, if she plans to take the ACT again.</p>