If YOU turned the University of Rochester down, post your reasons here!!!

<p>My son just sent in the card to turn them down today. Primarily it is because they don’t really have their strength in the program he is most interested in (film), they didn’t come up with that good a financial package (8,000 merit vs from 13-17,000 at schools that are less expensive to start with) and they just didn’t show as much interest in having him there as some of the other LACs he was accepted at. Denison University won out on those 3 counts even though overall UR was the very close second.</p>

<p>My daughter chose to go w/ Boston U instead, although our visit of UofR was very good last week. The professors seem highly accessible and the climate at the school was good, especially with the wonderful start of the day w/ the men’s a cappella group, Midnight Ramblers. She wants to participate in a cappella in college, so that was extremely a positive start to the day. In the end, the lure of Boston was strong, the biochemistry studies were excellent at both, and then BU came in w/ a scholarship this week that completely pushed my daughter over the edge. I would highly recommend UofR to those that want a smaller private school that don’t need the big city surrounding them. Nice campus, great people.</p>

<p>Obvious reason… I got into a good school, and good is better than bad any day.</p>

<p>mario9999 reminds me of the “daddy bought my way into harvard” group of young kids.</p>

<p>I applied to Rochester as a target/safety school in case other plans didn’t work out…While I think Rochester is a great school (and they gave me a nice merit scholarship), my heart was never solidly intent on going there. I never visited and have never been to upstate NY, so I’d be going on blind faith (which I was not prepared to do). And I just clicked better with some of my other schools that I was more proactive about.</p>

<p>Good luck, waitlisters! One more spot just opened up :)</p>

<p>Turned down UofR because of fin aid. Their package was 16K short, and that was with 7K a year in loans. Almost appealed, but I have another school offering me a full ride, so I decided to just move one. </p>

<p>Hope I helped make a waitlistee’s day! :)</p>

<p>I went to U Roch and BC but felt more comfortable there. I liked the school and couldnt see a bunch of things wrong with it. In fact, I saw many desirable things there i didnt see at BC but in the end I went with gut.</p>

<p>Financial aid package was not good. UR is a great university but was a safety for me plus with the B&L Award my application fee was waived.</p>

<p>I ALMOST went to UR and my appeal was granted (thank you finaid!) but in the end, the theater program wasn’t really the training I want for a career in that field and I know I want to do theater. So I went to the school where I have a theater and academic scholarship, University of Denver, where I know the program is what I need. (Although it did kill me to turn down UR.)</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about how far UR campus is from downtown Rochester. There isn’t anything to do there anyway!</p>

<p>Not so sure about UR’s Computer Science Dept. The website was really awful, and it seems that the program at Boston University would not differ too much. That and BU’s far more diverse population made me turn down UR for BU.</p>

<p>^^What are the statistics and demographics that make BU a far more diverse population that UR?</p>

<p>well there seems to be more international students; for me, there were more people from my region. However, I could not get detailed statistics about URochester, so I might be wrong. If you have got them, dudedad, then you can compare them with the ones for Boston University at bu DOT edu SLASH isso. Let me know if you have detailed statistics for UR. In fact, I was hoping against hope that UR be as diverse (internationally) as BU, as I really liked its educational philosophy and size.</p>

<p>9% of there first year freshman last was international</p>

<p>For detailed statistics for 08-09, see the UR Factbook:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.rochester.edu/provost/ir/Factbook_08-09/factbook09_public.pdf[/url]”>http://www.rochester.edu/provost/ir/Factbook_08-09/factbook09_public.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Last year there were 507 international undergrads out of 5058 total undergraduates—or about 10% of the school.</p>

<p>There is a strong support system at UR for foreign students–including host families to spend the holidays with and a “Big Sister/Brother” to mentor freshman on the transition to living in the US.</p>

<p>My D’s roomie was from Guangzhou–so I saw how the system worked.</p>

<p>I was awarded the Ren. Scholarship (full tuition) and was granted money on top of that. Despite that, it was still more cost-effective to attend two of my other schools (Stanford and Harvard).</p>

<p>That and they’re Stanford and Harvard.</p>

<p>I’d love to go back for graduate or something though, eventually; I absolutely loved the school when I visited, and it was truly difficult to turn it down.</p>

<p>^Which one did you end up picking?</p>

<p>Emory is better and gave me money</p>

<p>D was accepted to Rochester and other east and west coast schools. The weather didn’t scare her (we live in No Cal) but the financial packages did. Most only offered half. She had it narrowed down to Carnegie Mellon and Berkeley. (Better in Math and Physics, for her). Stanford accepted her with a 90% financial package and she will be attending Stanford.</p>

<p>She really liked Rochester… but it’s Stanford.</p>