If your SAT's don't quite meet the middle 50%?

<p>In all of the schools I am applying to my SAT math score does not quite meet the schools middle 50% (10-20 points below). My CR and W all either over shoots the range or meets the 50% range.</p>

<p>MY GPA, EC's, LoRs are all good if not great, how much will my stupid math score hurt me?</p>

<p>BTW these are all just state schools, no ivy's.</p>

<p>same here! my CR doesn’t meet the middle 50% but my math and W do.</p>

<p>I would suggest applying to some safeties just in case, but honestly with a difference of that small, I wouldn’t worry.</p>



<p>Then comes the question do they rank Math or Critical Reading higher. :/</p>

<p>They rank them equally. Most look at the total Math and CR scores only; they don’t look at them individually. If your combined score is in the middle 50th I would worry about other things like GPA, rank, rigor of your curriculum).</p>

<p>Most schools rank CR or M the same, unless 1) you are planning on some sort of math intensive major like engineering 2) its a LAC (because most kids at LAC’s tend to have really high CR). If its a state school and you are not doing engineering CR and M are generally weighed the same.</p>

<p>odyssey212 – Where did you ever get the idea that LAC students generally have disproportionately high CR scores? From the same people who think Liberal Arts Colleges are for kids who want to study poetry, painting and philosophy?</p>

<p>What you say about Math scores being given more weight at engineering/tech schools is generally accurate, however.</p>

<p>Are you sure that is true hudsonvalley, they don’t even look at the individual CR and M score, even if they are radically different?</p>

<p>I sure hope they use the sum, not the parts. For most of Son’s schools his math is <25% and his CR is> 75%. (590 and 740, respectively.) The combined 1330 is right where we want it, thank goodness.</p>

<p>Sure they will notice if scores are radically different. In DougBetsy’s case I wouldn’t be overly concerned, however, unless S is planning to enroll as a math or engineering major.</p>

<p>Nope. Psych and French. :)</p>

<p>I dont’ think the state schools are bothered that much if the W section is a bit below. However, the CR and Math should be in that mid 50’s range. But, if your GPA and other things are strong, a 10 point dip in math shouldn’t stop you.</p>

<p>to be safe, though, apply to one or two safeties.</p>