No quite meeting the middle 50%?

<p>Cross Posting from College Admissions</p>

<p>In all of the schools I am applying to my SAT math score does not quite meet the schools middle 50% (10-20 points below). My CR and W all either over shoots the range or meets the 50% range.</p>

<p>MY GPA, EC's, LoRs are all good if not great, how much will my stupid math score hurt me?</p>

<p>BTW these are all just state schools, no ivy's.</p>

<p>Depends what state school, but for the majority of them you should be more than fine!</p>

<p>It’s the middle 50%, that’s means half of accepted students score below it, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>^ 1/4 not 1/2</p>

<p>You’re fine</p>

<p>You should be fine.</p>

<p>The only issue might be if you are applying to one of those nationally rank top state u or if you are applying to a impacted math heavy major.</p>