<p>I want a career in Real Estate development. Would a ILR major combined with an urban planning minor seem right?</p>
<p>Also, all my ECs are econ/finance related; Literally every single one. Do I seem like a fit?</p>
<p>I want a career in Real Estate development. Would a ILR major combined with an urban planning minor seem right?</p>
<p>Also, all my ECs are econ/finance related; Literally every single one. Do I seem like a fit?</p>
<p>I don’t know anything about this, but I do know that the Hotel School offers a minor in Real Estate Development…it might only be open to Hotel students though:</p>
<p>[Real</a> Estate Minor](<a href=“http://www.hotelschool.cornell.edu/academics/ugrad/concentrations/realestate.html]Real”>http://www.hotelschool.cornell.edu/academics/ugrad/concentrations/realestate.html)</p>
<p>But even if you can’t formally minor, you can take whatever Hotel courses you’re interested in.</p>
<p>Also, would ILR be more stingy in giving out aid to international students, since it is a contract college? Or does Cornell, in general, give one the FA, regardless?</p>
<p>Cornell as a whole allocates financial aid – it does not vary across the colleges.</p>
<p>ILR is probably not a good fit for somebody interested in real estate. ILR is about people, not land. Hotel, AEM, URP, or even civil engineering would be a better fit for somebody interested in real estate.</p>
<p>I would apply to the hotel school, but my ECs don’t include any experience in the hospitality industry. So ILR labor economics major–> UP minor= No No?</p>
<p>Also, I’m talking about Real Estate DEVELOPMENT, if it makes a difference. Labor, I think, is a major component of deveopment… But I’m here for advice, so I guess I’ll just have to sit back and wait for more opinions rather than argue with knowledgeable people like Cayuga</p>
<p>I’m not certain I understand your point. Most real estate developers do not hire their own construction workers, architects, engineers, etc. They contract this out to knowledgeable experts in the field. </p>
<p>So unless you want to be the HR manager for a large real estate developer, I really don’t think that ILR is the best fit for you – most of my peers who went into real estate development started either in Hotel, Civil Engineering, or AAP.</p>
<p>I’m not saying that you can’t go get a good education in ILR and then go on to be an excellent real estate developer. Some ILRies have gone on to be doctors, weatherman, English professors, etc., it’s just not a traditional path in ILR, and if you don’t have an interesting in economic history or government regulation of working conditions, ILR is probably not the best fit for you.</p>
<p>Noted. But what if my ECs are all econ/finance related? Hotel school prob. wouldn’t even look at my app.</p>
<p>Of course they will look at your app. You will just need to convince them why the Hotel School is the right place for you.</p>
<p>Note the Facilities and Planning Management major in Design and Environmental Analysis/School of Human Ecology.</p>
<p>I know a student who is majoring in that and planning to minor in RE Estate through the Hotel School. </p>
<p>That hits pretty close to real estate development.</p>
<p>Pretty slow in that field right now by the way, will be a long time before it picks up. More likely to see workout stuff for the next few years.</p>
<p>^ Good point re: DEA.</p>
<p>FWIW, I’ve been getting some alumni emailing pertaining to activities of these people, for example they’re having a lecture March 4 at the NYc Cornell Club:</p>
<p>[Cornell</a> Real Estate Council](<a href=“http://www.realestate.cornell.edu/council/]Cornell”>http://www.realestate.cornell.edu/council/)</p>
<p>Thanks for the link! The student I referenced above is my daughter, and I work in real estate, so I am considering joining the council.</p>
<p>Yeah? You guys are terrific. So many “hidden” majors at Cornell. Will definitely look into the Human Ecology school… but it looks like Hotel School: Real Estate with a minor in urban planning for now… I’m actually excited about writing my essays.</p>
<p>And about the slow moving real estate market: That may be the case in the US, but I’m from abroad, and I really expect it to improve in the near future. Actually, it has never been slow… If anyone wants to discuss this any further, please PM me… or just ask me to elaborate on here.</p>
<p>IIRC, several members of the Tisch family have attended Cornell.
(Loews Corp - hotel developers)</p>
<p>Anyone think that not having ECs related to the hospitality industry, but rather econ/ finance, would rule one out of the Hotel school? I’m a transfer applicant and my essays talk about my love for econ and how I want to use an up-and-coming industry to improve my country’s economy</p>