Im a girl who is really interested in engineering


I think you have a good shot at both, although Northwestern is harder to get into than its engineering reputation really merits.</p>

<p>Money is not really a concern, my parents are willing to pay without aid.
Which one would be easier for me to get into do you think? Northwestern, MIT, or Cornell?</p>

<p>Probably Cornell.</p>

<p>My DD had VERY similar stats. and got ED acceptance to UPenn SEAS, where she plans to major in Biomedical Engg. Her extracurriculars were similar too except she did STEM related research for three summers.</p>

<p>I had similar stats, though slightly higher SATs (2280 cumulative) - I got into CMU (where I attend), UC Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, and some others. I got waitlisted at Columbia and Princeton. Being a girl certainly provides some advantage, but schools like Columbia are still very competitive, of course.</p>

<p>Yes I assume all ivy leagues are just as competitive as Columbia as well. </p>

<p>Smathur:was the stem research apart of an internship or just a summer program?</p>

<p>I’m going into mechE and probably biomedical engineering. I got into Carnegie Mellon, Vanderbilt, Rensselaer polytechnic institute, and Georgia Tech (where I’ll be going this fall). If you’re really serious about biomedE you should apply to the top 1-5 being Johns Hopkins, GT, USC, Duke, etc</p>

<p>Wantcollege: STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering and Math here :slight_smile: DD did 6 weeks long paid internships at the Cal. State Univ. here in chemistry one year and geology the following year. She did the COSMOS program the summer after her junior year. I think because of her research background, she has been selected to the Rachleff Scholars (Honors)program at UPenn as a freshman.</p>

<p>Also, Penn really does look favorably at female applicants for Engg, it has good programs to support women in engineering e.g DD is invited 3 days prior to NSO by the Advancing Women in Engineering group to settle her in the engg. prog. there. You can switch majors within Engg. once you apply and it’s ranked in the top 5 for BiomedE.</p>

<p>OP would be a great candidate for the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.</p>