i'm a junior: do u think i could be accepted as a college park scholar next year?

<p>I am a African American Male. I go to a Private school in DC. Including the classes i registered for senior year, I will have took 13 honors classes and 2 AP classses. My school doesn't do class rank but my GPA is a 3.65 unweighted and 4.1 weighted. I haven't taken the Sat yet. And also I am in the scholars program which is an excelled program for academically gifted in my school.</p>

<p>I am expecting to get around the 2000 range on my SAT</p>


<p>Honors English 9
Honors Geometry
Honors Scripture
Honors Biology
Spanish 1
World History


<p>Honors American Lit.
Honors Algebra 2
Honors Jesus and Church
Honors Chemistry
SPanish 2
U.s. HIstroy


<p>Honors British Literature
Honors Pre- Cal
Scholars Seminar (Scholars Program)
Spanish 3
Morality </p>

<p>Senior ( classes i've registered for)</p>

<p>Honors World Lit
AP Calculus (AB)
AP Environmental Science
Honors Spanish 4
History of Medicine
Senior Religion
American Presidency</p>

<p>ExtraCurriculars: Track and Field, Spanish Club, Multicultural Student Alliance, Yearbook Club</p>

<p>Employment: Part time job as cashier at grocery store during school week</p>

<p>Honors: National honors society, National Spanish Honors Society, WHo's who among american high school students, National Honors Role</p>

<p>Organiztions: Alpha Phi ALpha Leadership Prgram ( Howard University), National Youth Leadership FOrum ( Villanova University), Student leader for MIddle States, </p>

<p>Service Hours: About 150 hours of service</p>

<p>yes...at the time i sent in my apps i had similar stats (but graduating with 9 ap's) and got honors..so you will most prob get scholars

<p>I'm pretty sure you could get into the honors program, but scholars for sure</p>

<p>i think you'll definitely get in... i had a 3.9 gpa on a 4.3 scale (my school is sooo weird), i had a decent amount of honors classes.. and i was in a specialized program for honors students focussing on international studies.. my sats were decent at a 1270/1600.... i reallly think my essays on my application and how hard my classes were the reasons why i was accepted into the business school</p>

<p>im a white junior in high school in Montgomery County. My GPA is about 3.3-3.4 and Weighted GPA is about 4.0. I havent taken SAT yet but im expecting in the 2000-2100 range. In my school i am in the Sciene Academy and have taken about 2 credits of science each year...this goes along with my plan for a major in chemistry, biology, or a mix of the two. I have 5 AP classes and honors.</p>


<p>H - English 9
H - Matter and Energy
H - Orgins of Science
H - Research Design
H - Geometry
H - Spanish 3
H - US History
Weight lifting for Atheletes (advanced)</p>


<p>H - Algerbra 2 w/ Analysis
AP - US Gov't (NSL)
H - Biology
H - Chemistry
H - English 10
Guitar 2A
H - Spanish 4
Health Ed</p>


<p>AP - Chemistry
AP - World History
H - Spanish 5
H - English 11
H - Precal w/ Analysis
Foundations of Technology (tech ed)</p>

<p>Senior (registered for)</p>

<p>AP - Calculus (AB)
AP - Spanish Lang.
H - Molecular Biology
H - English 12
Guitar 2B
Organic Chemistry (to be taken at Montgomery College)</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars: JV/Varsity Track 4 years, Swimming Varsity 2 years, JV Football 1 year, Chem-a-thon team, chemistry club, after school tutorer, etc.</p>

<p>Employment: Lifeguard, Pool Opereator, Swim Instructor for Mont. Co. Gov't</p>

<p>Awards/Achievments: Honor Roll - 4 consecutive years, 1st Place School Science fair - 2 consecutive years</p>

<p>Volunteer Service: 150 hrs. now, 260 planned</p>

<p>CAN I GET IN??????????</p>

<p>yeah... you have more stuff than me and i got in</p>

<p>but i'm instate</p>

<p>mo. co is love</p>

<p>i think you have a pretty decent chance?</p>

<p><em>wootton kid... accpepted to scholars</em></p>

<p>I got into Scholars with a 2110 SAT, 3.3 UW GPA, 10 AP's, out of state.</p>