I'm about to start college and I don't want to go

To be clear, I tested out of writing 1 on the required placement test, I’ll take writing 2 in the spring. I was offered honors but at the time it seemed like more work on top of a (presumably) already extremely heavy workload for not much clear gain, so I declined.
EDIT, forgot to mention- it also seemed like the required classes would totally eat up what few (relatively) free elective opportunities I’ll get.

The only AP score I have is a 4 in US Gov, which I’m not using for credit, so the only classes I’ve skipped are via the placement tests for math and writing.

Maybe you could get into the honors program, at some point. It sounds like you need the challenge and that boredom may be more stressful than rigor.

We liked the program you are attending. Another great program, which (has at least used to have) good financial aid is Olin. Very project-based.

If college, in the end, doesn’t suit you for now, I again suggest looking at North Bennett Street School. I have 4 friends who went there. Can’t get more hands on than that.


I was thinking about Olin as well!

We looooovvvved Olin. Small, personal, challenging, hands-on. Also affordable back when we looked at it. Hope it still is!

Lowell had great faculty and the robotics was great (again back then). Nanotechnology as well.

Asking an honest question here…
Do you want to find more reasons to not go to college?

I don’t want to make you feel bad about your choices. I think it was a mistake to decline the honors college and going forward, if you want to get the most benefit from your college experience and be successful, take advantage of EVERY opportunity you are offered. They offered you the option because they thought you could handle it. I agree with others. Ace your first semester and see if you can get into the honors college for next semester.

The clear gain from an Honors college, depending on the school, is usually first preference for classes and special courses offered only for H college students. Often there are special perks available only to H students such as research opportunities etc…

I see no reason for you to already think of transferring. I personally don’t think it’s helpful to go down that road yet. You chose the easier route, and I suspect that isn’t going to help you have a good experience. You are clearly a great student. Meet your professors, get all A’s, do everything offered. You haven’t given this college a chance. I do not think the college is the issue. It’s easy to look for a way out. Look instead for a way forward.



I’ve heard it’s good but way too small, I don’t think I could stand going to a college whose entire student body was smaller than my high school class. I also don’t want to go to a specialized engineering school (I never considered WPI for instance, despite a lot of people saying I should apply).

What gets you excited?

What gets the juices flowing and puts you in a state of happy?


As I write, we really liked UMass Lowell and the size is right. I happen to like the city too: so much interesting history, very diverse, lots of artists.

Obviously, your course (and your situation) may be completely different.

However, my daughter had always been a highly rated (and awarded) essay writer, from early grades throughout high school. Yet, she decided to still take the “1st Year Writing Seminar” and actually found it time well spent, as it gave her insights into what style, format, etc. this University generally favored. So, while she didn’t necessarily “learn” anything new, it gave her occasion to practice and receive/consider feedback, that made her life easier in other/later courses where it counted.

Your first weeks and first semester likely are not representative of what’s to come.

One of my daughter’s pet peeves was the first class in almost every course she ever took - where she came in prepared, had read the Prof’s course policy, the syllabus, etc. in advance - and then spent the first day getting mad over all those redundant questions being asked - which, in her mind, she answered: “It’s in the %$&# outline! Read the %$&# syllabus! It’s in the %$&# policies!”

Yes, Type-A personalities can feel like wanting to climb the walls in the first days…


So true. Both of my kids had the option to not take intro level courses. One kid did not use her AP score to skip an intro level class. She took the intro level in a class related to her major and was very glad she did. It was more relevant and important than she realized at the start.

My other child submitted an AP score of 4 to place out of an intro level class. He ended up not taking the next level class until sophomore year of college. The class was really hard. It’s tough to retain that information three years after taking a high school class. He struggled to get back up to speed and that class wasn’t great for his GPA.

AP courses, Honors courses, etc…are rigorous for high school, but in my opinion, they are not as rigorous as college classes at a four year Uni.