<p>im afraid that I spend so much time practicing that when I take it and get a bad score back its like, where did all my time go? i really hope this all pays off..</p>
<p>Well, aside from practice-- experience goes a long way. If this doesn't work out then just keep at it because each time you should get at least a "LITTLE" more confident in yourself. :)</p>
<p>The first time I was nervous as heck, couldn't focus, tired, etc... But now I feel like I can do better because I know what to expect.</p>
<p>Don't get down on yourself lazybutsmart before the test. If anything-- let the worrying happen AFTER you take the test... Not BEFORE or DURING. :) It's like weightlifting-- you can lift more if you psyche yourself up and have a good attitude, but if you don't think you can lift it-- you're not gonna. Don't give yourself a mental block. Stay strong, confident, and tell yourself "I am one bad MF and I'm gonna do this!" :)</p>
<p>You have nothing to fear but fear itself. If you get your results back and they aren't up-to-par for you then just figure out what went wrong and try and fix it next time. But again, leave the worrying about results for later.</p>
<p>It will pay off. Studying is better than not studying and receiving a horrible score that you will possibly regret because you didn't try hard enough.</p>