im an out of state (NJ) jewish kid pub. v. priv.

<p>I am an out of state jewish kid from new jersey. Some would say im a typical coastie b/c i have Uggs and a northface. I tend to disagree, my attitude is farrrrr different than what one owuld expect. I visited UW this weekend and looked at the provate dorms and almost threw up at how disgusted i was at hoe similar every kid was in Statesider, does anyone know if I will have a bad dorm experience living in public dorms copnsidering my background, even if im willing to become friends with everyone.</p>

<p>i think u will be fine, i have a north face jacket and wear A&F, and will be going to a public dorm, the coastie vs local thing is more of a joke than a big deal, u should be able to make plenty of friends as long as ur not an as*hole to people</p>

<p>Whats wrong with north face jackets, you will need them in Wisconsin. I'm from Boston, but wouldnt consider myself a typical new englander.</p>

<p>(i agree about North Face, it is only tihng to keep warm, that and maybe Colombia) but the stereotype is Ugss and north face. The problem was that i stayed with a friend who lived in towers, and the only friends he had, and the only kdis at the bar he took me to were from towers/statesider (ie NY, NJ, los angles, florida, and DC) im sure that those werent the only east and west coasters but it was just an obswervation. Goblue1247 which dorm are u planning on lviing in?</p>

<p>Which bar--sounds like the Blue Martini?</p>

<p>Towers/Statesider are not representational of the UW... I know of kids from West/East coasts in the public dorms but check out the Langdon. It's a private dorm, good location, but less uh... pretentious?</p>

<p>hopefully smith, liz waters, or adams... i was going to go to do the private dorm thing but i decided against it at the last minute, i figure that u never get ur freshmen year back and i think i can live without luxury for one year, i also think that i would get along with the public dorm kids better</p>

<p>wait im confused?</p>

<p>where should people with birkenstocks live??</p>

<p>good question where should kids with birkenstocks live? that is more my type anyway lol</p>

<p>Langdon will probably work for's somewhere in between.</p>

<p>arent those lesbian sandals?</p>