I'm applying 8->9, here is my situation + schools, what are my chances for each school?

I currently attend a private 4-9 school in MA, am a Chinese citizen but fluent in english and have been in the US for 6.5 years. My SSAT practice tests were around the 2300-2330 range, 95th pctile, before studying, after studying I expect to get around 97-98 pctile, but havent taken SSAT yet. My sports are soccer, basketball, tennis, but not really exceptional at any of them. My main extracurrics are Chess, math & clarinet. My USCF rating for Chess is around 800, which is 50th pctile for my age group. For math, I’ve been taking ec lessons for like since b4 i came to the us, so a long time. I did MathCounts last year and got a 33 total in the two individual sections. I’ve been taking clarinet lessons for 4 years, did MMEA eastern district auditions last year and missed by 2 points and will do it again this year. I have high honors in all trimesters since eligible, so for 6 trimesters, but not really a good acheivement because of gradeflation @ my school. I am also in my schools band, and am starting a dodgeball club this year. on the community service side, I helped my friend with a tennis racket drive he ran last year, and teach chinese kids who are in areas with low access to fluent english speakers english for essentially nothing (3$/hr).

my schools(all full pay):

St. Marks(Boarding)

Concord Academy(Day)

P.S: I’m in Honors Geo, the highest math class my school offers for my grade lvl & my lang is latin.

You have everything every school looks for, so there is no reason that you will not be admitted. The problem is that most schools have too many good applicants to admit them all.

My guess is that you’re most likely to be accepted at St Marks and Taft, but really, it’s a guess because this will largely depend on the applicant pool at every school.

There are other schools that are perhaps a bit less well known where your odds might be a bit better. If you’re determined to go to BS, you might want to add a few Hidden Gems to your list.