I'm barely passing my classes last semester of HS. Is my Presidential Scholarship at risk?

If the grades really had no impact, you wouldn’t be asking about them, would you? Good luck getting them up and maintaining the scholarship.

I’m glad you recognize your mistakes, @gearstudio. I just want to share (both for your benefit and that of others who may be reading) that I think a lot of students who choose the big scholarships at Alabama over more “prestigious” and/or expensive options are under the misguided belief that UA will be a cakewalk. It may be for some, but I’ve watched a WHOLE LOT of parents on FB freak out over the past two years because their students are not doing well academically, and their scholarships could be in jeopardy.

I can’t speak to every major at UA, but if you’re planning to study engineering or nursing and/or are pre-med, pre-law or pre-vet, you better plan to buckle down when you get to campus as a freshman in August. There will be MANY distractions, and the adjustment to college is hard for most students, no matter where they go.

Take your academics seriously and make them a priority, and you will likely have a very enjoyable four years.

Act like you just arrived at an extended summer camp? Well, I hope you like the community college back home.

From the horse’s mouth: “As long as the student graduates high school, they will keep their UA scholarship - 2nd semester grades don’t matter. In fact, merit based scholarships are awarded based on freshman through junior year only.”