<p>I was erasing stray marks on my ACT test after time was called because I didnt want to get counted off for that. The girl sitting next to me, after the test was over, said "I saw you changing answers and that's bad." She came out late so she might have told the proctor D: I don't know what to do. I guess I don't have a liable excuse because erasing stray marks may be just as bad...but the last proctor let a kid do that on my last ACT. If my scores were cancelled, when will I know? If they were, I'd have a register for another ACT. but the deadline to enroll may be gone by the time the scores are out >-> Needless to say, I feel like crap.</p>
<p>if they say anything im sure you can appeal the decision because they aren’t rash enough to cancel the scores without talking to you first.
don’t worry, just come up with a good story just in case</p>
<p>wow… you should of been like “you were looking at my answers!?” you are such a cheater. I was making sure my bubbles were correctly filled in and my erasure marks were completely erased." <— That would be a good excuse. </p>
<p>+++++ A proctor seeing you change answers is something, but a kid who saw you adds in a WHOLE new variable. The people cant cancel your scores off of hearing a proctor who heard something that another person saw… which can be easily confused with another legitimate excuse.</p>
<p>I am like 99% sure your scores WONT be canceled, you are overreacting to something so minute because of the importance of the test, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Just hope your scores were good!! haha.</p>
<p>Don’t worry about it. The proctor would have told you that you were cheating, taken your test away, and dismissed you from the test site if you she thought you were cheating. Since you continued to take the test, you’re really fine.</p>
<p>act deals with that all the time too, and amazing dont have too bad of a customer service legal department. </p>
<p>you’ll be fine :)</p>