<p>Spydersport824, what's your game plan?</p>
<p>I don't know yet. Check the thread I just started "Deferred...Now What?" and post your opinions there if you could.</p>
<p>Spyder, I think you're mixing up the wait list with deferral.</p>
<p>If Michigan puts you on the waitlist, they won't do that until Spring! No one is on the waitlist yet. This is simply a deferral of decision. They're not ready to act on your application yet. You're not in the exclusive group of people they're admitting this early, and you're not in the group of people they're denying. You're inbetween, and only time will tell if you're among those who will eventually be admitted, be offered the waitlist, or be denied.</p>
<p>Michigan revieved my app oct 19th and started reviewing nov. 2nd? is that too late? my mich gpa is a 3.4, im not a urm, 1230 680m/550v. out of state? wut does everyone THINKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? i need to gett in soooonnn</p>