I accidentally put the wrong hours on an EC (I was in a frenzy submitting apps, forgive me). I’m worried the college is going to contact the place and ask. What should I do? Should I contact the school?
If you want to submit an correction you can do so. Otherwise if it is minor, there is no need to freak out.
Relax. Do nothing unless they ask and then you can explain. It wasn’t deliberate, accidents/typos happen.
Its the hours that are wrong - its a university, so I don’t think they will have time to worry, but I’m still freaked out
Do you think they would call the place to try to confirm? Its not an out of the ordinary EC, but I’m worried they will.
Exactly how is freaking out help you!!! Just relax and have something soothing to eat and drink. Tomorrow send admissions the correction. I have found that having a notebook with names, connection info, references, what needs to go with due date. Get your details like hours correct so you can complete applications quickly and completely. Having a personal reference book I can keep updated really helps. Add correspondence from the school.
Do you think the school would attempt contacting the place?
In 3 years on CC I can only recall hearing one case of a kid being asked to verify an EC. It was for a UC school and it involved a Science Fair award.
Yea, I can understand that. Mines volunteer hours, but its not a drastic number, maybe I’m paranoid, not sure. I applied to a big university, which is also my reach.
@AnonymouseCat it’s probably fine since colleges know you’re averaging the hours over the course of a year/several years. It’s okay if your estimate is a bit rough.