<p>every part of me has wanted to not post a chance thread but i'm finally giving in. penn's my number one choice by far and i'm just curious to see what some of you people think my chances are (and northwestern, duke, and princeton if you wouldn't mind ;) )</p>
<p>Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Black
Location: TX</p>
<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.67
Weighted GPA: 4.02
Class Rank: My school doesn't rank</p>
<p>SAT I Math Score: 750
SAT I CriticalReading Score: 720
SAT I Writing Score: 730</p>
<p>2200 in total</p>
<p>SATII MathII: 790
SATII Spanish:750
SATII U.S. History: 670</p>
Football 4 years
Basketball 4 years
Track 4 years (i'm really involved in sports)
School Newspaper Sports Writer 4 years
Student Council 3 years
Youth Advisory Council 3 years
Intercultural Club 2 years
Dallas Area Diversity Youth Association (DADYO) 1 year
Spanish Club 2 years
Admissions Ambassador 2 years</p>
<p>National Merit Commended Scholar
National Achievement Scholar
3 or 4 Journalism Awards for My sports stories
National Spanish Honor Society
National Spanish Exam Silver Medalist</p>
<p>AP classes:
Junior year
AP U.S. History
AP Spanish Language
Senior year
AP Biology
AP English
AP Stat
AP Calc BC
AP Spanish Lit.</p>
<p>i'll say you're in for all of them, with princeton being the only real tossup. essays are important, but for you they should just serve as a confirmation of academic success, motivation in life, etc, so just dont screw that up and you're definitely in pretty good shape.</p>
<p>thanks guys.
no, i'm not applying ED.
yes, those are my real stats.
yes, princeton is my biggest tossup.
no, i don't want you guys to stop w/ the advice!</p>
<p>wow.. is affirmative action used to that much of an extreme? i find it mind blowing that a non-URM would have like no chance with those stats due to lack of leadership positions.. just wondering.</p>
<p>gopumas07 is correct. I wouldn't be so sure that URM helps that much. Although this URM's "academic vitality" seems promising, I wouldn't be too surprise if he doesn't get in.</p>
<p>I would be surprised. If you look over CC stats for people with stats/backgrounds such as the OP's, they've all had great success. He's got a good shot.</p>
<p>oh yeah and i have leadership positions. i just didn't put them in there. that's obviously not my whole resume. i've president of about 2 or 3 of those clubs and 2 others that i didn't put on there. but if i do have weaknesses in my opinion, it's my gpa and my leadership positions.</p>
<p>For instance, no one bothered to ask what school at Penn you are applying for. Wharton? 11% (or so) acceptance rate? A shoo-in with 3.67 GPA? </p>
<p>Most people here are assuming CAS I think when chancing you. IF you are applying to Wharton, your chances are probably more around Princeton range or even less.</p>
<p>But honestly, I agree that you're in at CAS.</p>
<p>yeah i'd be applying to CAS.
my gpa is so bad cuz i had 3 B's freshmen year. they were all B+'s too. (3.5)
sophomore year i had 2 B+'s. (3.67)
and this year my only B was a B+ in history and i need one point on the final to get an A. (3.83) gay.</p>