Im going to be a Transfer student? Help please.

<p>Im currently at Lafayette College in PA. and i hate it. with a passion actually. Anyway, Im applying to transfer next fall semester (Fall 07) to somewhere witha beach. </p>

<p>My Top Choices are:
UCSB**, UCB, Whittier, UNC Wilmington. </p>

<p>The Colleges i was accepted into last year were:
Middlebury (couldnt afford it)
Mary Washington
Lehigh (Waitlisted)</p>

<p>Maybe that gives you some idea as to what my grades were like in HS.
I Live in NY... so i know a lot of the UC schools will be against me in that.</p>

<p>HS grades:
Rank: 33/255
Average (we didn thave GPA): 96.5</p>

Junior Yr: Latin, Physics, Pre Calc, AP English Literature, AP US History... i forget the rest lol.
Senior Yr: Latin II, AP Chemistry, AP Calculus, AP Economics, AP English Language, AP Studio Art</p>

<p>I had approx 200 hours of community service and im still doing community service at an animal shelter in college.</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: Varsity Field Hockey 2 years, Varsity Track 3 years, Varsity Lacrosse 3 years.<br>
Academic Team
Key Club
Century Club (for community service)
National Honor Society
Harvard Model Congress
W.I.S.E. at a local college (women in science and engineering) this program where we do research in various engineering fields.</p>

<p>there must be more, but im on a new laptop so i dont have all of my resume with me.</p>

<p>Any advice as to where else i should apply as a transfer or mainly what do you think my chances are of getting into the schools i listed above are.</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>You should look into Pepperdine. They are a christian school but it is my understanding that they are not to pushy about it. As far as location though Pepperdine is hard to beat.</p>

<p>i just looked up pepperdine... 28% admitted. rough lol. also i think the cost is a little too high for me. my school right now is about 42,000. aiming for somewhere like 5,000+ cheaper lol. pepperdine is about the same as mine is now. Sounds like a great school. maybe ill apply and see what kind of financial aid they can give.</p>

<p>I would kill to go to Lafayette :/</p>

<p>Yeah, it is expensive...just when anybody mentions the beach and colleges Pepperdine comes to mind. I think you would have a great chance of getting in but I don't know how good they are about financial aid.</p>

<p>you wouldnt kill for Laf. lol beleive me you wouldnt. Its SO boring here. Ill def apply to pepperdine though thanks guys!!
Anyone have any idea wether or not id have an OK shot at the UC system?</p>

<p>Hey, if you go to the Notre Dame forums there is a guy by the name of Irish68178.. something like that. He knows alot about transfering,,,,soo I'd go and talk to him</p>

<p>thanka bunch! ill look him up!</p>

<p>I'm sure i'd like it. I'm from a suburb of Philly so I'm used to chill.</p>

<p>really noone else can help me?</p>

<p>As far as the UC system goes it is very difficult to get in from oos. Not to mention with the amount of oos tuition you will pay you may be better off going to a private school. Also the UC's do not consider your high school stats only your college stats. If you go to the UCLA website it will give a very specific break down of what kind of students got in. Have you considered USC? It is not in the nicest part of town but you are in LA.</p>

<p>the oos tuition is much less than the tuition at my current school lol
ill look into USC. I was also looking into sant clara.</p>

<p>so no one has any idea lol</p>

<p>Two other schools you may want to check out are the University of San Diego and Loyola Marymount University. Both have impressive campuses and are within short driving distance of the beach.</p>


<p>UCs are tough for out of state students given the number of Calif. students they must accommodate. What are you really looking for? Calif. beaches are pretty cold most of the year. Don't believe what you see on the O.C. and other shows of that ilk. I recommend working with a counslor at Lafayette before you spin your wheels.</p>

<p>As a resident of Santa Barbara, here's what I can offer about UCSB. First of all, 5,460 out of 8,630 transfers admitted...pretty nice. Tuition & fees are around $25,000 out-of-state ($7,000 in-state) annual, according to the College Board. They have an excellent film studies department, I don't know what else they are <em>particularly</em> well-known for.</p>

<p>Santa Barbara's also called the "American Riviera", and the most beautiful place in the world by an amazing amount of people I've met.</p>