<p>Hey I’m in the incoming class as well. I just noticed your post because my mom bookmarked this thread (mooooooooom…). Anyway, I can tell you that the beds are normal twin and you have only 3 classes a semester. I’m sorry you’re having second thoughts but hopefully you’ll meet some great people !</p>
<p>Hey Sahil does Sarah Lawrence have any subject specific requirements for A Levels…I noticed on Common App that they have ‘recommendations’ but I suppose that’s for American System?</p>
<p>OK, this is utterly ridiculous that Im responding here because as youll see above, I too am a total newbie. BUT I did want to say a couple of things. First, I think this forum/subforum is so dead because SLC kids/families arent the types to hang around on the uber-competitive site that is CC. But that means that genuine questions frequently go unanswered.</p>
<p>Laubry, give it a chance! Of course you can always transfer but to go in with the attitude that you want to get out of there ASAP is really not that helpful. And as for your questions re Hill House didnt you get an email from your mentor? Cant you ask him/her? Or the RA? Theres a welcome letter on the mySLC site. And I think there’s a Hill House thread on the SLC class of 2015 FB. (not sure - not very FB savvy). Lollege is right, the beds are regular twin (the infos on the SLC.edu site). And international students are offered a shopping expedition to what sounds like some huge local mall very early on so you can pick up whatever you cant get at home. </p>
<p>Jnassiri SLC has no specific subject requirements as per the UK unis asking for specific A-levels. But if youre in doubt, email directly and ask.</p>
<p>Crazysah come on! If you really are here to answer questions, step up to the plate! You havent been here since April!</p>