<p>Damn I'm starving. My roommate just popped some pizza hut leftovers in his microwave from our excursion to the restaurant last night. But I'm losing weight so I can't have anything good for the rest of the day.</p>
<p>You don't have to eat junk to eat something good ( I mean if you're losing weight). Besides, not eating at all isn't a good strategy either, your metabolism will simply slow down, and you'll end up burning less calories overall. I'd say go eat some fruit salad with yogurt and granola ( thats what i always eat when I get hungry and need a snack)</p>
<p>For the love of god stop making a thread about every damn thought that pops into your head.</p>
<p>That's right fatty, starve.</p>
<p>Pug I weigh 145lbs. Im trying to lose 5 lbs by saturday for my wrestling meet. I have a six pack. Do you? </p>
<p>Thats what I thought idiot</p>
<p>haha burn pugfug ( which is a username strangely reminiscent of the words pudding and fudge). It would be pretty funny if they guy ( I'm assuming) has a six pack too...cause then there's really no point in arguing...ok, yeah..I'm done now hahaha</p>
<p>ok megaman. I dont have a six pack. I was lying through my teeth.</p>
<p>awww, you took the fun out of it...now theres no point in arguing....whatever...well, anyways, I dont know what to believe but , if you really are on the heavy side and are trying to lose weight then great for you, and forget about *******s like pugfug.</p>
<p>You met him in REAL life..versus what, fake life?..jk , I have no comments for this...I'm sleepy , I'll go do that now..yeah some sleepy time ( gotta love borat and his sexy time)</p>
<p>I am damn sexy. Check it out <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b9EKP0AbPI%5B/url%5D">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b9EKP0AbPI</a> xD</p>