<p>I am like 6'0" and I used to be about 132 pounds. I got to 135 at the end of the fall semester. After UCF got a Burger King, I have been eating there at least 5 times a week. Since the beginning of the spring semester, I have gained more than 10 pounds since then. TEN+ POUNDS IN LIKE 3.5 WEEKS. WHO DOES THAT!?!?!? I will probably think about losing weight when I get to 400.</p>
<p>I thought I would never get big from fast food. Burger King never lies.</p>
<p>Double Whopper with bacon and cheese (but no onions), medium fries and a medium Sprite FOR THE WIN!!! I'll never quit eating like this.</p>
<p>6 feet and only 132? maybe it isn't such a bad idea for you to gain weight :p. granted, it shouldn't all be in saturated fats, but still...you could always hit up the gym.</p>
<p>the funny thing is, since i've gotten to college i've generally lost weight. at one point, i was 3 points lighter than before i left for school. i guess i've just been making the most of dining hall food :rolleyes:</p>
<p>I've lost 30 lbs since starting college. But I'm also a dance major at a school in the city, so i dance 20-some-odd hours a week and walk everywhere.</p>
<p>It doesn't matter if he's thin for his height or not. The fact is he gained 10 lbs of FAT. You could be skinny or fat but 10lbs of fat either way is not good. I suggest you lose it quickly or else it'll be harder down the road.</p>
<p>Okay, bro. I went to the gym a lot beforehand but I didn't eat as heavy as I should have. I was never thin or weak. Also, this extra weight is mainly muscle since I'm getting older. If I were 180 pounds and gained 10, it would probably be fat.</p>
<p>OK if you are gaining muscle and are not concerned about fat gain...then why did you created a thread titled "Freshman fifteen" and then post about gaining weight from fast food???</p>
<p>I actually lost weight when I got to college...having to walk everywhere combined with lack of desire to eat much of the cafeteria food, I guess. I also don't like fast food (gets expensive always eating out, too) so I pretty much half-starved my entire freshman year, except for the weekends where I went home.</p>
<p>im petrified of the freshman 15, and the part is i LOVE junk food and fast food of any kind. i really hope my picky eating habits will come in handy next year. im only 5'2, so even just 5 pounds looks like 10 on my frame.
any suggestions on good ways to stay around the same weight?</p>
<p>Bleh, I've got the opposite problem...5'2" and 132 last I checked. Mainly muscle but still chubby round the middle...the one hope is that the last time I stayed at a uni campus (4 weeks) I lost a lot of weight because I couldn't figure out the bus system/didn't have enough money and ended up walking around over 1/2 the campus every day. (Bear in mind this was at Cal too.)</p>
<p>So freshman 15 might be +15 or -15 for me...I really hope it's the latter.</p>
<p>"Okay, bro. I went to the gym a lot beforehand but I didn't eat as heavy as I should have. I was never thin or weak. Also, this extra weight is mainly muscle since I'm getting older. If I were 180 pounds and gained 10, it would probably be fat."</p>
<p>I don't get what you're saying here. If you gained that much weight in a short amount of time its 2 things:</p>
<p>Water weight from all of the salt
A lot of fat and very little muscle</p>
<p>Also, 145 Lbs at 6'0 is thin. Keep eating big and make sure you lift big!</p>
<p>Oh and Bja, if you want to gain weight bro, you need to eat big. I know you may say your metabolism is incredible (which it probably is), but the simple truth is that if you eat big you'll get big. Figure out some high calorie foods and incorporate them into your diet. Easy weight gainer shakes include: Milk + Whey Protein + Oats + Peanut Butter + Olive Oil... there's all kinds of stuff you can use to gain weight easily and i'm willing to bet it's even cheaper than what you're currently paying for food! Don't try to gain weight off of things like Fries and Soda.</p>