I'm more than a 1/4 puerto rican. Can I use hispanic as my ethnicity?

<p>My father is half puerto rican, and lived in puerto rico for most of his childhood. I consider my Grandparens to be very hispanic, although one was born in New York and is of irish decent. The Spanish culture is an important part of our family culture and I visit my cousins in puerto rico frequently. Although I am not completely fluent in Spanish, I am much better than other students my age and should be fluent in a few years. I also intend to study abroad in Spain. I also have dark hair and thick eye brows and have a good tan. So... can I mark hispanic on my application?</p>

<p>The short answer is yes.</p>

<p>Please see the sticky thread at the top of this forum for a full discussion. While there are some scholarships which require you to be at least 1/2 Hispanic, many, such as NHRP use 1/4 as their threshold. </p>

<p>Neither appearance or Spanish fluency are factors in determining whether or not you are Hispanic, college admissions use the US Census definition as discussed the sticky thread.</p>

<p>Welcome to the Hispanic Students forum, please take a look at the Resources sticky thread, it contains lots of valuable information about scholarships, diversity weekends, etc. This can be of particular assistance to you since you’re a jr and can plan ahead to take advantage of many of these opportunities.</p>

<p>Thanks so much! the thread is really helpful!</p>