So...this is my first post on College Confidential, and it comes at a good time because the college search is really starting to heat up for me (or at least it should be), so I thought that I would look to the community for some guidance! A few words about me: I'm a white male rising senior in Howard County, Maryland who is currently looking at Boston University, Northwestern University, Johns Hopkins University, Chicago, NYU, Vanderbilt, Duke...with Columbia as a dream school. High hopes, high hopes. I need to find some safety schools :/
I recently met with a college advisor, and I'm trying to get some college visits done next week (wisdom teeth come out this week. ouch). So am I in the right ballpark as far as schools go? Should I take the SAT again? Do I have a good shot at getting into these schools? Am I taking the right classes for senior year?
Listed below are my stats (they aren't that spectacular):</p>
<p>*3.52 GPA unweighted
*Will have taken 11 AP classes by graduation in 2010
*I am enrolled in my school's humanities program. My school is one of the few public schools to offer such a program, which combines social studies and English, teaching relevant literature, music, and art to the time period of focus.
*SAT1: 2140
-CR: 700
-Math: 710
-English: 730
-Essay: 11
-Math 2: 760
-Planning on taking another this October.
*I am in National Honor Society.
*I have been a member of my school's mock trial team since junior year. Last year, we were county champions.
*I have been involved in a charity club in my school since freshman year, helping to organize the yearly canned food drive and other charity events like coffee shops and coat drives.
*Last but not least...CELLO:
-I have been playing for 12 years at JHU's Peabody Preparatory.
-I am currently studying with a conservatory teacher.
-At Peabody, I play in a piano trio, take theory lessons, and play in the orchestra.
-I am principle cellist in the Peabody Youth Orchestra.
-I perform in recitals 3 times a year and have performed in the Vella Silver recital twice, an invitation-only recital.
-In school, I have been first chair cellist for the past 2 years and performed as a soloist in my junior year (I played the Haydn Cello Concerto in C Major).
-Over the summer, I attended Indiana University's Summer String Academy, an intensive four-week classical music program.
-While at Indiana, I won the cello concerto competition and placed second in the quartet competition.</p>
<p>My schedule for senior year is as follows:
Economics Micro/Macro AP
Psychology AP
Humanities English AP
Humanities Social Studies
Calculus C AP
French 5 AP</p>
<p>So...what are my chances? Am I looking at the right colleges? Am I taking the right classes for my senior year? Thanks everyone!</p>