<p>GRRRRRRR. Im sick of all these kids asking for what their chance is when it quite obvious that they could get into pretty much any school they wanted too. I mean seriously you have a 2200 SAT and a 4.5. leave this fourm for the lost</p>

<p>im ghanian (a country in africa)
i was pretty much raised in US, since i was a baby.

<p>my dad is really pressuring me into applying to all these top schools, majority ivy leagues that I doubt I have the credentials for...but he insist on me applying. ughh...</p>

<p>the schools i've listed are the ones that im applying to and the ones i think i have a chance getting into</p>

<p>here are my little above average credentials. do i have a chance? and if you can recommend some schools i should apply to on the east coast i would greatly appreciate it =]</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.375
Weighted GPA: 3.9166
Rank: 71 out of 385
SAT I: critical reading 560
math 520<br>
writing 500<br>
basically 1080 without writing
1580 with writing =/</p>

<p>founder and president of Young Democrats of America club
vice-president of the Debate Club
im in about 4 honor society
key club and fellowship of christian athletes club</p>

<p>all i've taken are honors courses. i haven't taken any AP's unfortunately but I do take classes at a local community college.</p>

<p>i would like to work for the United Nations, so I would like to major in either International Relations or Political Science</p>

<p>“im ghanian (a country in africa)”</p>

<p>So are you applying as an international student? Or do you have American citizenship?</p>

<p>i have american citizenship. i received us citizenship abroad, meaning despite the fact I was born in a different country, i received US citizenship.</p>

<p>Are these the only schools you are applying to?
Almost all of them are high reaches because of your low SAT scores.
What is your GPA?
Do you have any safety colleges?</p>

<p>3.375 unweighted GPA
3.9166 weighted GPA</p>

<p>my safety is Howard & i thought NC State would be a safety… but i guess not.</p>

<p>You will probably be accepted to NC state because of the GPA and class rank, UNC is a reach but still possible since you’re in state</p>

<p>Howard is definitely a good safety for you,
and even with those scores there is a possibility for scholarships too!</p>

<p>i got into howard and nc state! i got wait-listed at uconn and im waiting to hear from george washingtion univ and nyu!</p>

<p>Howard is an amazing university, and it will definately challenge from an academic perspective. You should have applied to Smith College, you would be a perfect student that they would turn into a scholar. In addition, you should have considered Spelman College in Atlanta. I would have to say that NYU is a huge stretch, unless you wrote a killer personal statement.</p>

<p>yea i’ve kinda have come to reality and accepted nc state and howard. nyu and george washington are way to expensive anyway. i think im leaning towards nc state because the tuition instate is much cheaper than howard.</p>

<p>I would say go with NC State. It’s a very good school. Congrats on your acceptance.</p>

<p>We need more people with your attitude on this forum.</p>

<p>NC State is an excellent school, and very cheap for in state. My high school is about 1/2 mile from the bell tower so I drive by campus every day. The atmosphere is great, students are great. I’m seriously considering it (I’m a junior).</p>

<p>Congratulations on getting in, to both Howard and NC State.</p>

<p>look at American University(or is it College?) in D.C. The location would be great for your major and it’s usually not very hard to get in. George Washington University is also in D.C, you should try that one too, but it’s a little harder to get in. Good luck!</p>

<p>i did apply to american and george washington. I just found out i got into american a few days ago, so im waiting on nyu and gwu right now. i really want to go to GWU though!</p>

<p>Good luck on GWU and congrats on NC State. It’s a great school!</p>

<p>Have you heard from UNC yet?</p>

<p>Don’t use “overachiever” as a derogatory term. There are schools that will reject 4.0 GPA’s and 2200 SAT’s on a regular basis, those are average to below average stats on CC. Just because you can’t pull it off doesn’t mean you need to insult students who are genuinely nervous about getting into their top schools.</p>

<p>You’re African-American that makes you a huge URM so you can get in anywhere even with crappy stats so you’re also being hypocritical talking about people who already know that they will get in.</p>

<p>Wow. He is stating the truth. People on here need to chill out and stop acting like not getting into an Ivy will ruin there life or that they should go to hell for getting a B or 2. And that was completely uncalled for with that African American comment. Its amazing how stupid and ignorant some people with high scores can be…</p>

<p>I’m sorry if I offended you Virginia, I did not insult the OP nor did I endorse killing yourself over a B. All I said is that she shouldn’t insult “overachievers”, and although there are some posters who just want an ego boost, many people asking to be chanced for ivies just want to know.</p>

<p>Also the comment about a 4.0 GPA and a 2200 SAT score was very ignorant on her part, those students are in no way guaranteed admission to “any school they want” and have as much of a right as she does to be chanced.</p>

<p>Maybe the URM comment was harsh, but it is true that she will have an easier time getting into college than most. I wasn’t setting out to insult URM’s, I was just stating the truth in a little bit of an irritated manner no need to take it personally.</p>

<p>Understandable. I get what both of you are saying. Also, you are right in that URM is easier. Its just the way you said it was offensive. Its just messed up that so many people on this site are so smart as seen with there grades yet act as if they are so stupid for the dumbest reasons that they come off as full of themselves.</p>

<p>I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say it that way, but it did come off that way.</p>

<p>I wasn’t trying to be arrogant or anything, I was actually trying to defend some of the higher achieving members that post chance threads here.</p>