<p>Hola. I wouldn't really consider myself a one-of-a-kind, eye-catching student, but my stats kind of focus around concentrated interest and good academics.</p>
-I'm half Asian and half White, but I'm dominantly white if that makes sense.
-I'm currently a rising senior.
-I live in North Carolina in the Charlotte area.</p>
<p>Test Scores:
-SAT: 590 Reading, 800 Math, 680 Writing (I'm retaking in the fall after I prep a little.. I'm going to try and get my reading and writing into the 700's)
-SAT II's: Taking Math II, Spanish, and something else in the fall
-AP Exam Grades: 5 on Statistics, and I'm pending my other junior year AP's.. but I don't think the scores have much effect on my acceptance, so I'll just skip over those</p>
For weighted GPA, my county gives 6.00 for every A and 5.00 for each B in AP classes, and 5.00 for A's and 4.00 for B's in honors classes.</p>
<p>-Freshman: Honors English I, Algebra II, World History, and Biology, and took regular weighted PE/Health, Technology, Computer Applications I, and Spanish II; I got A's in all those classes so my weighted was 4.50 and unweighted was 4.00.</p>
<p>-Sophomore: Honors Civics/Economics, English II, Precalculus, Spanish III, and Chemistry (got A's in those), AP Statistics (A in that), regular Drafting I (A), and regular Computer Engineering I (B in that); weighted was 4.75 and unweighted was 3.87.</p>
<p>-Junior: AP English Language, Calculus AB, and Physics B, Honors Spanish IV (2nd sem), Honors Computer Engineering II (2nd sem), and Honors U.S. History (1st sem), and a Study Hall (1st sem) (Made A's in everything this year); we started a block schedule this year, so my weighted for 1st semester was 5.40 and my weighted 2nd semester was 5.60, and my unweighted both semesters was 4.00.</p>
<p>-Senior: Taking AP Spanish V, AP English Literature, AP Government, AP Psychology, AP Environmental Science. I'm also taking a study hall and most likely self-studying Calculus BC. I need another semester class to pair with AP Spanish V, but I'm not sure what to do; I could do Discrete Math so that I'm taking an actual math class, or I could do an easy technical class such as Computer Applications II or Adv. Studies in IT. I also don't know whether I should take Racquet Sports class, or AP Economics (I know I already have a tough load, but Economics is considered THE blowoff class at my school.. and amazingly, even though it's so easy, the class still does decently on the exam).</p>
<p>-Class Rank: 2/548</p>
<p>School Extracurricular:
Ahh. This is what's going to get me.</p>
<p>Freshman: Competed in State Algebra II contest and got 2nd in the state, and top school score in AMC 10. Sadly, that's about all.</p>
<p>Sophomore: Comprehensive State Math Contest (didn't rank in top 20), TechConnect (a technology club), top school score in AMC 10, inducted in Spanish Honor Society</p>
<p>Junior: Junior Marshal, TechConnect, went to a Video Game Design seminar at UNCC, Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society)</p>
<p>Senior: I'm getting my license this summer, so I'll be able to do more things now... I'm planning to join National Honor Society and Spanish Club, continue Mu Alpha Theta and TechConnect, and get back into the groove of the math contests again. I'm going to get a part-time job as well and if it's not too much, join Science Olympiad or TSA.</p>
-I didn't really do anything the last couple summers, but this summer I'm going to WCU for a month for Summer Ventures for the Mathematics and Problem Solving program (I wanted Engineering, but I didn't get it, oh well).
-This past year, I started playing tennis, but only for fun (as in, I didn't join a club, and I didn't make the cut for the school team this year :/)
-My dad owns his own business and my mom works full-time, so I'm often helping my family with babysitting and doing housework.
-I write fairly strong essays and my recommendations would be pretty strong as well (I hope)
-I got a National Merit for the PSAT, though I'm not sure how far I'll go
-As for college, I plan to major or minor in some of: Engineering, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Meteorology, and Spanish, though I'm not entirely sure which ones yet</p>
<p>That's about all. If I forgot anything important, please let me know. Now, I ask you all some advice for the following:
1) I'm going to apply for NC State, Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, and a couple others when I look more into it. What are my chances of getting into those schools? (I'm actually pretty sure I could get into most of them, with the exception of Duke and maybe Chapel Hill)
2) I'm looking for scholarships to these schools as well. Given my weak extracurriculars and leadership, are there any scholarships that I'd have a shot at winning? I'm most likely going to go to NC State (most likely the College of Engineering). Any scholarships that I'd have a shot at winning for NC State, or any of the other schools? Could I improve myself senior year without making it look like I'm trying to max out my application to get a scholarship?
3) Any other advice you have to spare for a college-bound rising senior?</p>
<p>I know this was a lot to read, but if you took the time to look at all of it and evaluate me, I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks! :)</p>