I'm not sure of where to transfer to, and I'm worried.

Hi. I am a new jersey student and I know that states here can accept my credits. I also know that each individual university has its individual requirements and thats what’s worrying me; how can i prepare for just one? and what if i get rejected? its really hard to prepare for multiple ones, as there’s no definitive gpa in most unis. I was also thinking about transferring to good unis out of state; however, the same problem lies even more. My gpa is 3.6, and i just finished my first semester and registered for second semester classes, all requirements just for my community college and some relating to my marketing degree. does anyone have names where i can have a start with requirements not too specific? it would be very helpful.


Also just good marketing schools.

Your CC tansfer office should be able to help you plan your program of studies. If you know which places you want to apply to, you can look at the courses they require for your major to get an idea of what to take now.