I'm really serious about attending Purdue but I got deferred...

<p>I was surprised too when I got deferred for Engineering. Here are my stats:</p>

<p>29 ACT
3.6 uw gpa (took only Honors and AP classes-dont know wgpa)
Rank 39/695
7 AP
lots of EC
awards in science and sports

<p>Got accepted into UIUC Engineering program. I’m not even that interested anymore in Purdue but I sent my 7th semester grades anyways—4 A’s, 2 B’s–4 AP. </p>

<p>How long do you think I’ll have to wait to hear again for Purdue? Did they really get so many good applicants that they had to defer me?</p>

<p>FarmVille4 : shock!! You should be able to get in.</p>

<p>Farm, I think you’ll get in without a problem. In the end, you never really know what the reason is that an applicant gets a particular decision. Your course rigor and stats are well within their freshman profile range. I certainly wouldn’t give up on Purdue, however. My son got into UIUC in Aerospace Engineering too, by the way, and I’ve got to get out to Purdue with him to check out the campus. If you decide to go to either school, you can’t go wrong with their engineering programs.</p>

<p>I think my stats are pretty good but maybe they are just average in comparison to others. Getting into competitive schools seems like a crapshoot. I probably should have prepped and taken the ACT again like everybody else does.</p>

<p>So I sent in my 10th trimester grades a month ago and it’s still not listed as received. Is this normal?</p>

<p>Give 'em a call. Best way of knowing if they didn’t update it or not.</p>

<p>WOW… i can’t believe you got deferred.
I’m really sorry. I hope they’ll accept you soon!
I just got my acceptance letter 3 days ago. =]</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry to much. I was deferred as well and I was just accepted about 2 weeks after I sent fall 09 semester grades. You need to call Purdue and make sure they have received your 10th trimester grades as soon as possible. Purdue practices rolling admissions so you want them to review your app. as soon as possible.</p>

<p>to the OP, what was the specific major you applied as?</p>

<p>I applied to Liberal Arts/University Studies</p>

<p>I got in with a 23 composite(26math)…but after I recieved my acceptance letter, I got a 32 on the math part, but still ,a 24 on the act.I had average rec, 3.98 GPA, sports and art awards.
You all who got deferred should definitely get in without a problem!
Do not give up!</p>

<p>Purdue looks at unweighted gpa and only your core classes. I was originally deferred for Management and sent in my 7th semester grades two weeks ago and go accepted two days ago.</p>

<p>My gpa is 3.2 UW
Crit- 550
Writing- 540
Decent EC
Good essay</p>

<p>7th semester grades
ACP Finite: B- (college credit)
Marketing 3: A-
Novels: B+
Media Arts: B+
AP Government: B</p>

<p>I got accepted this morning!!! I was literally jumping up and down like an idiot hahah</p>

<p>Can’t stop smiling =]</p>

<p>Congrats!!! I know you’ve been waiting for this!</p>