I'm really turned off by the idea of eating clubs...

<p>hahaha chichi dango =P soup spoons and butter knives..we had to learn about table etiquette at school :-X, i must say, its quite lame.</p>

<p>Jane Eyre...I have mixed feelings towards that book. If I had to describe it in one word, I would say...boring =P But Ive heard that girls seem to like the book a lot more than guys :-/</p>

<p>Yea, Wuthering Heights wasn't as good as Jane Eyre. That's neat tho - about liking style rather than the plot itself.</p>

<p>Jane Eyre = pimpest book in t3h world. Jane was a pimp. stupid mr. rochestor, should have married her on sight. </p>

<p>wuthering heights wasn't good at all, imho :(</p>

<p>my favorite was the one with mr. darcy, I forget what it's called though.</p>

<p>Mr. Darcy = Pimp, Jane Eyre = Pimptress</p>

<p>pimps and pimptresses....lol, what the hey, haha.</p>

<p>and pride and prejudice was the one with Mr. "Pimp" Darcy.</p>

<p>sheet, mr. darcy is my idol. the chicks dig him, even though he's an ass, AND he's filthy rich. and in the end, he turns alright. awww.. its like a chick flick in writing.. a chick... book.</p>

<p>There IS a genre of books called "chick lit."</p>

<p>And I used to wish Mr. Darcy was real so I could crush on him...what, stop looking at me like that!</p>

<p>awww, that's cute. what a q t pi.</p>

<p>chichi dango - you did NOT just say that. hahahha</p>

<p>i wish kimpossible was real :(</p>

<p>Hey, he sounded 10 times better than most of the other guys I've been with! I was recovering from a breakup!</p>

<p>this is the... heartbreak hotel... this is the... heartbreak hotel... </p>

<p>:(, i'm missing someone right now. and it hurts.</p>

<p>Okay. This one is done.</p>