<p>On my apps, and I listed out a bunch of things I did for Girls State.</p>
<p>Among there were governor candidate, chorus, and all these other things, etc..</p>
<p>but then I threw in something along the lines of chair of a certain committee, which I certainly was.</p>
<p>The governor candidates who did not win in the primary got elected to these chairs, but the thing is, it was mostly just a title that I got appointed, and I didn't really do much under this title...</p>
<p>Yikes! Now I wish I didn't put it on there.</p>
<p>Is this considered dishonest?</p>
<p>maybe, i would not have done that at all</p>
<p>Don't spend another minute thinking about it.</p>
<p>"chair of a certain committee, which I certainly was."</p>
<p>^That's all that matters.</p>
<p>The thing is, when I think about it, it was really unofficially done, too.</p>
<p>Like, I got pins for being town mod, and for being in chorus and all this other stuff I had done</p>
<p>But the election to that committee was verbally appointed by the governor at one of the meetings, and I never got a pin or anything for it.</p>
<p>So what? Things like that happen in the adult world, too.</p>
<p>^ mom is right per usual =)</p>
<p>I think/hope it should be tottaly fine..I mentioned I was committee chair for certain things in student govt..def not through "election" but I was appointed, and it was hardwork and I did the job..
of course it isn't dishonest, but its not going to tip the scale much either way either.</p>
<p>no. people have done worse. they wouldn't go snooping first of all for petty details. they have bigger liars to cach</p>
<p>And remember, many ELECTED postions are often popularity contests, or some such thing, not necesarily who deserved it, but who had more friends in the club</p>
<p>Thats true^ and I metioned that (not that it was a popularity contest) but I said that it was an appointed and NOT elected position..and this is something much smaller than yours so if you are worrying, then so should I!</p>
<p>As long as the position was true it is ok. Even if you didnt change the world with it.</p>
<p>The Vice President of the United States has no formal administrative tasks except to sit and watch the Senate in session, but he can sure put that on his resume and brag about it!</p>