<p>You are right, I do, but right now I am working on my inviscid flow class, and that is easy as cake, it is just not particularly interesting. All the cool stuff happens when you throw in viscosity.</p>
<p>Down with potential flow/Euler equation. </p>
<p>Real men deal with compressible, turbulent flow with radiant boundary conditions and time-varying responses.</p>
<p>For the record, I’m not a real man.</p>
<p>Yeah, well it is pretty mundane and easy, it just takes a while to write some of it out, and I keep losing a minus sign somewhere, as usual.</p>
<p>At least in my research there is plenty of turbulence, compressibility, shockwaves and loud noises. Mach 6 wind tunnels are good for making those sorts of things. Alas, the tunnel is down right now, as we pour concrete to help splice it back into the ejector. <em>sad face</em></p>
<p>All this time, nashah9617, I thought you were a woman </p>
<p>Clearly, as implied from its post, nshah is a he/she.</p>
<p>I do cry like one when my simulations won’t run due to NaN errors.</p>
<p>hahaha, I just literally loled when I read your edit.</p>
<p>Do you write NaN when forms ask for gender?</p>
You will get NaN errors in Fortran if you use “implicit double precision”, and conversely.</p>
Screw Fortran</p>