<p>Right now I'm working so slowly despite the fact that I'm kind of trying to study. Time seems to fly by and I'm going to be screwed if this continues. I'm going to sleep right now and hopefully tommorrow I won't be so out of it. There are times when I'm on fire, and I do work extremely fast despite the fact that my head explodes when I'm on fire. But right now I seriously need advice on how to always be on fire. I think I'm out of it right now because. I talked a lot today and I think talking a lot screws up the studying mode. I'm just not thinking right right now, so excuse any errors in grammar or language I'm making. Also, please gimme some help on how you stay efficient. This is crazy.</p>
<p>How do I stay on top of things? I make sure I take breaks every now and then. I find if I try to work continously for extended periods of time, I get tired, my mind starts to wander, and I lose my concentration. When I find I have trouble focussing, I might read a little bit (just whatever catches my interest online, a novel, etc), watch some TV, walk around the house, anything to take my mind off work for a while. (Note: Careful the short 5-minute break doesn't turn into an hour long break!)</p>
<p>Plus coffee and tea help ;)</p>
<p>Know how to take strategic breaks. Keep a good sleep schedule.</p>