<p>This is my first "C"...but I don't like it. A I doomed for life? Howcome grad school is set up so you can;t make a single mistake?!!</p>
<p>yep, you're doomed. you'll be living in a garbage can for the rest of your life, just like Oscar the Grouch -- but at least he was on TV!</p>
<p>Oscar is a thug though so it can't be that bad though.</p>
<p>lol one C aint gonna kill you. </p>
<p>btw, wutang what class is this in?</p>
<p>Probably finance judging by the user's screen name.</p>
<p>wow...what a loser....uve never gotten a C???????....i know uve falled one thing though....having a social life</p>
<p>intermediate micro...it's funny, cuz I'm taking some higher level math/stats courses and doing fine. This class is supposed to be a weeder class, and it was taught by some german a-hole from U Chicago.</p>
<p>trust me...ive had like 3 C's as finals grades....no big deal...</p>
<p>then again, im not trying to get into some elite university</p>
<p>You're screwed. Don't bother finishing college.</p>
<p>Pickup an application at McDonald's while they are still hiring. Work hard and you may even be able to move up to the fry cook position.</p>
<p>^I don't think McDonald's hires C students. You might wanna try the white house.</p>