<p>Hey I'm a junior from maryland and this will almost defintly be my last visit to the college before i apply.</p>
<p>I want to know what i should bring?
What i should wear?
Am i gonna be meeting any addmission officers?</p>
<p>I have to tell you that I am not to serious about going here for the 2 following reasons;</p>
<li>$50,000 is so much compared to Marylands colleges of about 6000 for instate... and compared to LSU at about 13000,... My family makes way to much to be applying for finicial aid... I'd rather leave college out of debt.</li>
<p>-My stats mimght not be good enough;
GPA: 3.1/4.0 weighted (a huge upward trend)
AP classes: 3
Honors: 13
Sat: about 1900
The only reason i have any chance is because I am class president for my third year and most likely will be for a forht year next year... I also do alot of clubs and am a officer in a few.</p>
<p>If you have any tips for applying to scholorships or aid please let me no.</p>
<p>On the lighter note... while I'm downn in new orleans next week, any tips for food, or places to go see. (i will only be there for 2 days).. thanks!!</p>