<p>How many of you have those immigrant parents who FREAK at anything less than an A, because you'll never get into college, etc., etc.?</p>
<p>My parents are hardcore like that, but I like it, since a lot of my friends have parents who could care less about their grades, or just give the "do better, honey" talk.</p>
<p>Ah, I don't think I should limit this to the children of immigrants, even though I predominately see it coming from them.</p>
<p>My family's from Somalia, by the way. Newly declared piracy capital of the world :/</p>
<p>Yup. They don’t really freak, but their stony silence more than conveys to me a sense of disappointment and anger. Just kidding. I’ve been lucky enough that I’ve never really gotten anything lower than an A- (exceptions: B+ in handwriting, 4th grade. Bs in Computer and Gym in middle school (I know, seriously). B+s in history first term, junior AND senior year). But even then there’s been a kind of dismay at those grades. Well, whatevs. It’s in the past and I just have to do A LOT better from now on.</p>
<p>Ah, the “do better, honey” talk. I have a small problem with this in that I feel like there should be a little more of an emphasis on self-improvement. But hey, they’re not my kids, so I don’t really have a say. I do have a problem with parents who reward their kids with $$$$$ and cars and other super rewards for doing well. If you need money as an incentive to do well – if you won’t do well unless you get money – that could be a little sad. But hey, I’m just bitter because I never got any of that stuff.</p>
<p>Also, I’m assuming you meant “parents who couldn’t care less.” Because if you could care less, then you care some. And you don’t care at all, so you could not care any less than you already care.
You know what I mean.</p>
<p>They were definitely like that when I was younger. The whole “Don’t ever bring home a B” blah blah</p>
<p>But as I started going through high school, they started to care less and less. Last year (11th grade), they didn’t even see my grades until the final report card came in during the summer. They pretty much trust me to be responsible and stay on top of stuff. </p>
<p>And I know they’re not gonna trip as long as I have more As than Bs, and I didn’t get a B in Home Ec or something.</p>
<p>haha yea i have immigrant parents…they don’t “freak out” but yes they do get easily dissapointed if something is not outstanding. yea …the “do better next time-honey talk” hasn’t ever happened…if i ever fail <em>god forbid</em> i’m screwd. that’s basically what you can expect from indian parents. seriously.</p>
<p>my mom is an immigrant and she’s sort of like that.
like yesterday when i told her that one of my friends was going to come over, she asked me how i expected to get into medical school if all i did was socialize, blah blah blah? </p>