<p>well this is a major fail. im a junior with all ap/honors and by senior year i would have taken every advanced science course my school offers. my GPA is between 4.1- 4.5 weighted, 3.7 at lowest unweighted. i want to be a vet so i wanna major in something like animal science. i also have volunteer hours at hospitals, a job (two years and ongoing) at a vets office and know the machinery, i'm the head technician for stage crew, etc. etc. i have what colleges want.</p>
<p>then i got my sat scores... they SUCK, as in i think i fall short in sats for all my college choices. So... how important are they because i don't think i can score much higher on my next try.</p>
<p>my college choices:
Cornell U
Tufts U
Michigan U, Ann Arbor
<p>T.T I have every top requirement but those stupid scores. I'm asking now since there is a chance i can change something about my college plans or high school career XD</p>
<p>What were your SAT scores? (including breakdown)</p>
<p>Maybe you should take the ACT; some kids do better on the ACT.</p>
<p>There are other good schools with vet schools that take kids with more modest scores. </p>
<p>You have mostly reaches on your list. You need more matches and safeties on your list. </p>
<p>Is money an issue?</p>
<p>Unfortunately for top schools, SAT scores are important. :/</p>
<p>yeah its my first try, and in scheduled for another sats and my acts are soon, my sats II i know ill do well on…
frankly im embarassed to even say my score because if you saw my transcript you would be shocked at my sat scores…</p>
<p>the fact that i did bad, that means i may need to do more college research and apply to very low standard schools (which give me little to no shot at a vet school). i guess sats determine it for me?</p>
<p>I strongly believe that SATs aren’t everything, maybe you got in the mid 1600s maybe you didn’t, as long as everything you say is correct, and you are taking the ACTs and SATs again i’d say that you have a pretty good chance with UIUC, UMich would be a low reach, and the other two would be high reaches.</p>
<p>the fact that i did bad, that means i may need to do more college research and apply to very low standard schools (which give me little to no shot at a vet school).</p>
<p>I think you’re being very defeatist!!!</p>
<p>First of all, you have plenty of time to take the SAT again. Plus, take the ACT.</p>
<p>Secondly, there are very good vet schools at colleges that will accepted you. You may not get to go to Cornell vet school, but if being a vet is so important to you, then go to a lower ranked school that has a vet school, do your best, and apply to their vet school (and to other vet schools). </p>
<p>BTW…the best vet schools do not ONLY take students from the top undergrad schools.</p>
<p>I’d advise that you study hard and retake. You should also consider the ACT. If your scores improve to the level these schools are looking for, apply to them, plus safeties and matches. If your scores do not improve, take a good look at these reaches, consider which ones are really your favorites, and apply to one or two as opposed to all of them, while applying, again, to matches and safeties.</p>
<p>Just to give you an idea of percentiles… </p>
<p>Math + CR SAT…Percentile</p>
<p>now that you see the above, do you still feel that you did so horribly?</p>
<p>took ACTs
better score a 28 composite</p>
<p>29, eng
23, math (clearly not my strong point)
28, reading
10, writing (the essay right?)
32, science</p>
<p>:D now how am i? even though my sats sucks?</p>
<p>My SAT’s suck too. Don’t be discouraged. I have a similar GPA to you and wrote killer essays, that I have been told will make a big difference. I love the stats Mom2collegekids posted, they made me feel so much better. Remember, it is not all about the SAT’s. Turn in your ACT’s, and if you are denied, then appeal. Not everyone does well on SAT’s. Besides, the number of kids who claim disabilities and then are allowed to take it untimed, thereby raising their scores, is astounding. Admission advisers know that and I think they are not putting as big an emphasis on it anymore. You can’t compare someone who took it timed vs untimed. The whole test is stupid I think.</p>
<p>Just remember that even if you are admitted to those schools you are going to be competing with a lot of science majors from top, highly competitive US high schools who have 4.0 GPAs in 8+ AP courses and 1500/1600 SAT scores. Can you compete with them on an even playing field and come out near the top? Vet schools are looking for candidates with excellent college GPAs and equally excellent GRE scores, and, of course, a lot of volunteer or paid experience working with animals. All more important than the name of the college you go to. Why do you believe you’d perform better academically at Cornell or Tufts vs. Ohio State or Missouri? Or, for that matter, Earlham, Denison or Knox?</p>
<p>doesnt cornell force you to send in all SAT?</p>
<p>Yes, test scores matter, but they’re considered alongside other factors–GPA/transcript (which is more important than scores), ECs, essays, recs… If you’re a bad test taker, you may be given a bit of leeway, but of course top schools have no reason to cut anyone slack. </p>
<p>Just make sure to apply to a broad range of schools across the selectivity scale. And consider schools like Wake Forest and Sarah Lawrence that don’t require test scores.</p>
<p>um… i definately know competitive but i did not sacrifice my entire life in high school to get that 4.0 in all aps like half my class did… worth it XD</p>
<p>um… lets see
-russian immigrant
-bilingual (russian is my first language, english being my second language, and im excellent at conversational french, not the entire language but i can understand day to day conversation clearly)
-3yrs+ at vets office, I am planning to my my radiology license in 3 yrs
-volunteering at hospital
-i did a lot of clubs in high school but by junior year ended up only sticking to one (since being a leader is highly demanding) i am head tech at stage crew
-not a music person, but in advanced art?
-by end of hs, will have taken every advanced science course except some engineering course(its new and now cant take it! rawr!)
-i think i graduate with 10 successful ap classes?
- average ACTs, will retake them
- **** SATs, will retake them and fail
-will get amazing recommendations and write amazing essays
-3.7 unweighted GPA as of now, and 4.1-4.3 (not sure) weighted.</p>
<p>Do I have any shot at the 4 schools I chose?
And I do not want to go past a certain point on the East Coast, Illinois and Michigan is already pushing it. Um, I have been looking at SUNY bing. and others but I dunno… just not as appealing? XD I’m kinda iffy on Tufts now but meh ill apply.</p>